
“Basically, the company is forcing owners to drive their cars regularly. To the dealership.”

It could have ended in a fracas.

And now over $10m...8D

If I recall Ameritech also had to take out the passenger seats and make them a ‘load floor’. Also once the car was in your possession you were free to put it back to factory specs.

Ralph Lauren has three F1s IIRC, and I believe two of them have had the mirrors moved to the prototype level.

I do absolutely loved all the different liveries that the F1 GTR’s came in, but #59 is still hands down the best looking. I love this vehicle so much...

I’m guessing about 10 million.

The Ueno Clinic car (#01R) was unique amongst the GTRs at Le Mans in 1995 because it was not a full-season BPR entrant. It was entered solely as a one-off. The team that ran the car, Lanzante Motorsport, was running a Porsche GT2 in the BPR series and merely had the McLaren on loan. Prior to Le Mans it was McLaren’s

I just think it’s great that one of the greatest cars of all time will go down in history with the name of a dick doctor right there on the bonnet.

If I had a gun with two bullets and was driving cross-country with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice.

This is the best, most concise article I've read on the subject. Awesome work.

Damn this was a really good, very informative article. Now to import a brown wagon version of a Miata.

Well, it appears you can do research when you want to.