
I wrote about the McLaren F1 handbook for Octane magazine last month and can assure you, it's even better in the flesh; beautifully tactile and wonderfully geeky.

Is there some reason they couldn't fly that thing closer to the track? I mean, that's about 3 minutes too much of slow pans at "high" (relative) altitude. Get in closer, make a low level lap around the track or something.

Of course. That's why we didn't even put any picture from the video up top. This is a situation where it is news, but there is no reason why someone should see it if they don't want to. We understand a lot of people don't want it published, but it is already out there elsewhere. Some people want to see and understand

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I'm always glad to see our resident McLaren F1 expert comment on an article.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Thanks go out to whomever added the red circle - I would never have noticed without it.

The amazing thing is that 12,000 fucking people found Waldo to begin with.

Finally after all these years that poor innocent pelican is off the hook.

This would be me.

When I was working on my Poli Sci undergrad I really wanted to become a lobbyist, I think I may have finally found the cause I can really get behind.

"Hello Mr. Congressman, I'm Chris_K_F. I represent the Society for Hooning Imports and Flogging Tires, also known as SHIFT..."

It is neither cheap nor eco-friendly.. It takes considerable energy to split the hydrogen from water. Unless all that energy is solar, geo-thermal (Iceland), or Hydro-electric, the net is less efficient than an EV and less eco-friendly. It has advantages, it can be filled into the tank much faster than a Tesla can be

So bring in a team of people known for optimization and efficiency makes you a piece of shit company?

So if a Rolls Royce goes in for routine service of oil change and tire rotation... One technician does the oil change and another does the tire rotation to make the service visit as efficient as possible, then said Rolls Royce is a piece of shit?

Hydrogen costs $12-13 per kg (gallon equivalent) at my nearest station (Emeryville) so it's the opposite of extremely cheap.