Your screen name is the proper response to this service. But your fatcat is pretty damn perfect too!
Your screen name is the proper response to this service. But your fatcat is pretty damn perfect too!
Watching the tweets and coverage from marches all over the world made me tear up this morning. It’s quite a different feeling from the despair I felt yesterday.
Was just at the march in London. I have never seen anything like it, the turnout is around 80,000+
I don’t understand what happened to our gov.
I can tell you my hate for Trump will still be strong
I can see you
A big thank you to 40+% of people who didnt bother to vote and another big sarcastic thank you to fucking assholes who keep voting these dipshits into office.
It’s funny you should say that because I generally think of HBC as pretty one-note. She has an occasional surprise, but usually I feel like she is just repeatedly playing the same character over and over again.
Good idea, the new administration already has the clowns, all that’s missing is the 3 rings.
You know, they might as well see if the Ringling Brothers’ circus is able to preform. It’s gonna die soon, anyway, and represents an America that had its hey-day in the mid 20th century.
Donald calls it a “kazoo?”
But you aren’t having constructive, meaningful conversations. You’re comparing our bodies to your race car. Several women have noted that there are many reasons Women use BC that have nothing to do with Sex, and you haven’t once acknowledged those statements. Sorry if you are feeling attacked, but truthfully, you…
i don’t believe that trump is a highly trained anything.
“On January 20th, I will not be celebrating or honoring an incoming president who rode racism, sexism, xenophobia and bigotry to the White House,” “The American people will never forget that when a foreign government violated our democracy, Donald Trump chose the interests of another nation over our own.”
omg his face in the last one. it is so lovely to see/read that even one family who are trying to escape their war torn country have been able to find a good situation like this.
Less talk about this human shitstain, please. Why give her any more attention?
Yes but hangovers don’t knock you out of the workforce for two years. And you do expect someone else to pay for your accidents, which is why everyone is required to pay for car insurance. It’s called being practical and intelligent, instead of high and mighty and proclaiming that people should just stop doing that…
This guy is replacing the eagle as the symbol of Trumpmerica.
So we on the left are the patriots now and they’re the commie-loving traitors, right? Russia has taken over without firing a single shot and we are now a banana republic, being ruled by a puppet government. I can not comprehend what’s happening, I just can’t.
Excellent. Now let’s start tearing down monuments to Confederate traitors (but I repeat myself), and renaming roads and bridges and such named for them.