
Oh how I wish this were an adventure game. Not sure what it’d be about but, yeah, I’d for sure play it.

It’s fun to see him go through every single emotion imaginable before he finally lands on pure rage. One of the best skits ever.

My best run so far included an invisible Mom. While not ideal my spinning circle of max damage homing blood ate through her amazingly fast. It wasn’t ideal but, like you said, at least I got to keep playing. It may have even improved my skills to be honest. I’ll wait for the next patch.

Which is worse, the initial release with invisible enemies and music glitches or the update’s crashes? I haven’t updated my copy yet and if a fix is a short time away I might just wait for that.

Avalanche did Renegade Ops which I was very fond of. My friend and I still have every top score on the Xbox Live co-op leaderboards. I was hopeful that this would be a twin stick shooter in the same regard. Might have to wait on this one.

I’d love to see Alex Kidd show up as a bonus character. He’s been playing Janken since these cowboys were in diapers.

It was some sort of wave attack. I’m not entirely sure why. It’s one of many questions I ask about that game. “Who is that guy on fire?” and “Where’s the Hudson Dam?” are among a few.

This is great. The only thing that could make this better is if Beau Bridges shows up for some TMNT.

Pfffttt... Everyone knows Sunshine Airport’s where it’s at. Well, there, Electrodome, and Music Park. Cloudtop Cruise wins for best music.

Yup, you're right. I'm not the best with names.

Is this a bad thing? It seems like we've gone nuts on games like Assassin's Creed and Halo collection for shipping before they were ready yet now we're clamoring for Nintendo to not delay Zelda? As consumers shouldn't we want the best product possible?

Kate was the popular snob, correct? In the first episode I rewound the scenario with the paint several times before deciding to befriend her. Just because she was rotten to me doesn't give me the right to do the same to her. I'm interested in seeing where that relationship goes.

Same here. I really like Max. I also found myself relating to some of the situations that she was put in. Getting caught with the pot in her friend's room hit very close to home for me as, during my youth, I was in countless similar situations. Supernatural powers aside (so far...) I think they've done a bang up job

Good to hear. I'm looking forward to seeing where they take it.

For whatever reason I'm not able to play episode 2 of Life is Strange for a few weeks. I really enjoyed the first episode so I'm curious if the second entry is as compelling as I found the first to be?

So much this.

I have no idea what Aquaman this is or where it comes from nor do I want to knoe but this... this my friend wins. If he shows up in the film in anything other than this I'm going to be disappointed.

I've worked in a casino for the last 11 years and I can tell you that the only video poker that move as fast as the ones in San Andreas are the ones in real life.

He had some demons of his own. Namely video poker in Las Venturas.

I think I may have talked about this here before but it seems relevant so I'm going at it again.