
F-Zero GX was one of the best racing games of its generation. Sure it was unbelievably difficult (that story mode level with the rocks makes my brain cry every time I think about it) but it was super, incredible fast with tight controls. I'm definitely interested in this.

It seems like it fits her personality better. I don't know, I could be way off here but I've always associated beehives with a certain level of frumpiness.

Halle Berry is indeed sexy. I love her with short hair. Jennifer Lawrence too. I think she looks great with the pixie hairdo.

I agree, big hair's never really been my thing either. There's a supervisor at work who wears it short and, I kid you not, differently every single day. It's gotten to the point wear I'm genuinely curious as to what she's going to do with it tomorrow. She never disappoints.

It feels like I'm the only one in this camp but I love Bayo's new hair cut.

I've beaten it once but I really should go back through it. It really is a great game. I'm just afraid it'll consume me in the same way the first Bayonetta did. Bayo and W101 feel so very similar, from the combat to the grading system, they both have that Platinum Games feel.

I can't wait for this. I played almost too much of the first one. Getting Pillow Talk was hell.

Anyone that enjoys either Bayonetta should also check out The Wonderful 101. They share a lot.

I'm not sure what skills this armor has on it or how weird it'll look for Samus to be carrying around my switch axes but it's not going to stop me. If I can ko a Jho naked I can sure as hell down monsters with wrong armor. Hell, a quarter of the people I play with online have no idea how skill sets work so I'll

You are so right on with this. I've been a regular on the MiiVerse since the beginning and I'm thrilled to see that it seems to be alive and kicking. Being able to share little bits of info or accomplishments with people that are actively playing the same thing, possibly at the same time is really cool stuff.

This is amazing. It really is incredible to see this sort of love.

This is cool stuff. Not only do I breed for shinies but my pride and joy is my purple Lapras. I bred it myself in between bouts of trying to get a shiny Torterra. That one took months.

I found my copy of Power Stone 2 on clearance at a video store. It's the only game my Dreamcast won't read. Honestly, I still try it periodically.

I'm pretty sure someone's already said it but Telltale's The Walking Dead has stuck with me for weeks after finishing chapters. I love Clem as a character and feel genuinely guilty for some of the things I've put her through.

It's slightly disheartening to know that, as a 32 year old man, she could not only beat me up (badly) but could also go toe to toe with me in my bread and butter. Good show Ronda, good show.

You'd just have to recharge it every five minutes.

I'm by no means a pro or even any good at 3rd Strike, for that matter, so it still baffles me how he was able to do this. It's still incredible after all this time. The spatial awareness, timing, and knowledge of how Chun Li's kicks come out is nothing short of incredible. I'll still be in awe of this in another 10

Is this series Pokemon or Monster Hunter big? I've been hearing about it a lot lately. I only ask because when it does get localized I'm curious if the West will go nuts like they did with the Pokemons or if it'll be met with indifference like the MH series.

Oh yeah, those 360 motions can be brutal with a d pad. The amount of execution it takes to be at Snake's level is mind boggling. I use the same controller as he does and I definitely have a lot of trouble with 720 motions for ultras.

Me too my friend, me too. About the PS1 pad that is. I play on the same pad as Snake Eyez so I understand not using an arcade stick but the d pad on the PS1 controller? Luffy is incredible for that. Not bashing the pad I just don't understand how he does it.

She's so much fun. I still spend a few hours in the lab with her a few times a month. Still finding out new things with her almost every time.