
Every time I open my Man Box some woman eviscerates me. Now that I’m going through a divorce the box is closed indefinitely. The way it should have always been.  I like it here.  Go away.

Biggest thing is why is it so bad being a man these days? Why isn’t it bad to be a woman? Have you ever experienced toxic feminine behavior? We are not the only ones  who are toxic. Please stop the man hating. It sickens me because it is another excuse to attack men. There are bad men but there are plenty of  bad

When I die, I want my remains scattered at Mar-R-Largo.

Quentin Tarantino’s mother “belittled” him for writing and now that he’s a big successful movie man, he has vowed to not buy her nice things.


Exactly. My first thought was “what, you want a medal?”

I read the Matt Damon thing elsewhere and the comments were all “How is this still happening?”

he really should have kept that one too himself. was he expecting a gold star? that’s so embarrassing. if you think about it, his daughter has probably told him to stop using that word and why it’s bad to use that word over years and years. that whole time he was walking around the house saying the f word laughing. it

I’m on year 12 of some mid-range stainless steel pans that see near-daily use and they are still great. I think the best advice would be to avoid the bargain-priced Walmart/Target variety packs so you’re not filling up landfills with a whole set of pots and pans every 2-3 years.

i never knew this was a thing until now. i’ve never been happier to not be a runner, lol

One of the benchmarks in my maturity was accepting the reality that there is no such thing as a neutral judge. Every one of them makes their decision based on ideology and sloppily works their way back. Right now, the makeup of our Supreme Court is against any progressive vision for the future of this country. Maybe

No apologies necessary. The loss of body autonomy and privacy overturning Roe will bring is devastating. The only thing that brings me a measure selfish comfort is the fact that I live in California, coupled with being 46 and perimenopausal. But then I think about my niece, who’s 15, and all of the other women of

Oh yeah, we are heading to the Handmaid’s Tale pretty quick. The good thing about that is only happens in one part of the country. That means all the liberals and BIPOC can get the hell out and go to California or into that area.

Access to safe (and legal) abortion is dead and buried. It will involve leaving the country from here on out. It’s a question of what they’ll come for next. Pregnancy test prior to international travel? Mandatory pregnancy tests for every woman, every month? Sounds about right. But you can’t force me to get a vaccine

This is exactly the thought I had while reading the writ. It’s 100% a war on women’s autonomy so I went to the Mississippi AG’s Office website and found these two lovelies who are the head honchos (AG and Deputy AG):

Life begins at conception and ends at birth.

Exactly. No one talks about the physical toll of pregnancy. Not birth, pregnancy. Fatigue, nausea, your body just HURTING because you have to shift your center of gravity and the extra weight. All that BEFORE the actual process of feeling like your body might rip in half to get the baby out. Oh, and it’s for the

Oh it’s fine adoption is “accessable” so you should continue with a course that can cause irreparable damage your bones, bladder control and nether regions while posing a genuine risk to your life (seriously sort out your maternal death rate if you’re going to ban abortion).

Too bad there was no one who could stop Florida’s anti-trans athlete law. DeSantis and his cronies are pure frigging evil.

My wife and I just hit week 4 with our newborn, and have found that bath times most naturally come after one of us says: