
Yeah.. didn’t he do a whole piece about how initiating gaslighting training in children with the whole Santa Claus thing was just fine and who would want to grow up without it?

I once told my kids “You’re essentially eating nose poop. Your body is getting rid of that, just like it gets rid of poop. Would you eat your poop?” and they were like “EWWW NO!” and I said “That’s your nose’s poop.” And then I’d say “nose poop!” a few times when I caught them doing it. Now they won’t.

But how do I

Counter-point: You’re doing it wrong! Well, not ‘wrong’ but your advice makes some assumptions that might not be accurate. I’ve done coffee black, with cream, with cream and sugar, and with sugar and I’ve added it all sorts of ways in all sorts of orders. Here’s what I’ve found. If you want a uniform taste - ie the

I always liked to do it in this order. Sugar in cup, add coffee, add dairy. This way the turbulence of the coffee being poured in would do the stirring for me.

Shows you how observant NBA refs are.

customs can always refuse you entry and you basically have no appeal

I’ll add one important one:

Aster says “It’s a Wizard of Oz for perverts.”

PETA - people eating tasty animals.

“PETA is heading to Levi’s boardroom to urge the company to stop peddling these patches, which cause cows immense pain and suffering,”

If they want to live so naturally, what are they doing on the internet? Perhaps they should go live naked in the woods if they want to turn their backs of the miracles produced by people using the brains God gave us.

I always board last, even if i’m flying solo. Why would i want to spend another 20 minutes crammed in a chair. The only time i don’t is if i’m flying southwest and you have to fight for a chair. Otherwise, my seat is assigned, why would it matter if i board first or last.

My partner and I don’t swear at home, so it wasn’t an adjustment when we became parents. I won’t lie, I do *notice* when other people swear around my kid (she’s only 3), but I’m also aware that my pearl clutching has nothing to do with anything that matters. There’s no real reason that fuck or shit should elicit such

Choosing the Best includes a similar exercise using adhesive tape. The exercise involves placing tape on a student’s skin, then removing it to show what has transferred from the skin to the tape. What remains on the tape is supposed to represent the emotional baggage resulting from sex.”

I don’t know what this voter’s damage is, but O’Rourke dropping F-bombs is a a lot less alarming than

“....promote traditional values about the family.”

Yes! Civility! What has happened to the public discourse! Who will think of the children!

Bullshit. More than anything that’s a shaming tool from other parents. They are words and just words and it’s important your kids learn how to use them, when to use them, and in which situations they are appropriate and inappropriate. Like ALL behavior. Trying to shield children from language is pointless. Teach them

“ He vowed to stop saying “fuck” so much, all thanks to a supporter with virgin ears.” 

Fuck that shit.