
So now we’re taking our disaster advice from old Steve Martin albums. Terrific.

If you would just answer the question, your corporate overlords would let you see the internet.

Unsurprising. GOP motto: good for me, not for thee.

California had several of the worst Indian massacres with Bloody Island not even the worst. Old Shasta Town (300 dead), Indian Island (200+ dead), Yontoket (450 dead), Oak Run(300 dead).

I live in CT and am friends with people in Homeland Security, including top level people who toured the scene the day of the attack. My firm is very involved in state level legislative process. The behind-the-scenes of it is sickening.

Apparently it won’t do a very good job of it.

Oh, shorten it. Nothing will be done. This country looked at a pile of dead children in Sandy Hook and couldn’t be bothered to do a damn thing about it.

“none of the all-seeing crime-prevention devices happened to flag a man who brought 10 automatic weapons with him to the Strip.”

The surveillance state was never meant to save us. It was meant to keep the 1% safe from us.

Clearly this only thing that is going to prevent something like this from happening is for us, as a country, to double down and really dedicate ourselves to sending houghts and prayers.

You do realize that compulsory speech is not free speech and is therefore a violation of the First Amendment, right? Forcing someone to obey an anthem in the name of “freedom” is actually just simple fascism.

It can’t be said enough: The Catholic Church must be abolished.

Marriage is declining because women don’t NEED men anymore. We don’t have to put up with the average/bad ones who treat everyone like shit (and vice-versa with men no longer needing women). We only need to get married when we find one we WANT who also WANTS us. And in my opinion, unless you’re rocking my world in bed,

So, since a lot of people seem to have forgotten, Mark Regnerus is a Catholic fundamentalist asshole who published a “study” that purported to prove definitively that gay people were not good parents. It was a trash study, and did a lot of damage because at the time it gave anti-gay-marriage advocates an excuse to

Mark Regnerus is warning women that no one buys the cow when it gives the milk away for free.

Boats are the cars of the sea