
The better advise, imho, is to get seats as close to the boarding door as possible (most often in the front of the plane). You can easily have a ‘short’ layover if you can get off the plane quickly. If you’re stuck in the back of the plane, then you’re fucked.

He actually looks sorta like Alex Baldwin in makeup in that picture.

The marketing idea that eating a giant combo of highly processed carbs, plastic cheese, and deli meats would make you lose weight? I guess Subway was willing to do anything to promote that.

62,984,825 Stupid fuckers

It’s not so much that they’re given the microphone. They just take it.

Certainly. It’s terrible enough that a child has been assaulted for exercising his rights but it would be even worse if, as I imagine, the teaching consultant simply projected his own feelings and assumptions about NFL protests onto this innocent boy when, if it is a religious objection, a few moment’s discussion

This may very well be true. Either which way though, it’s a First Amendment issue which everyone still loves to rage about

No need, the Navy’s stellar year in the news is plenty enough.

Disclaimer: 12 years Active Duty Navy service. So that’s (former) Petty Officer Dickhead to you.

This just proves that it’s racism above anything else. If the gov’t really wanted to crack down on “illegal” immigration they’d be fining the bajeezus out of businesses that employee “illegals”. No jobs, no immigration.

I am shocked, shocked, that those who scream the loudest about illegal immigration are also the ones who make a killing off the backs of undocumented laborers.

The front desk clerks are probably members of the Sheriff Arpaio fan club.

I’m here too and can’t believe the support he has! Letters to the editor in the Merc., signs, the whole nine yards.

“ But I feel so sorry for his wife and son, who are good, good people. Very loyal to him, and that says something about Roger.”

Suddenly my local bodega has been replaced by a robotic factory that delivers cigarettes and fancy chips directly to me before I even know I want them and yet I really don’t fucking like it.

Oh, those weren’t *real* socialism. Please look at western europe instead - at least until socialist experiments fail there too. Then I’ll pick a new example of “real” socialism.

While I think the idea and goals behind socialism are mostly admirable, I believe history has demonstrated it to be a failed model for society. In a perfect world where everyone cares about more than just themselves, it could work. However, that isn’t human nature and hoping human nature will change is not a wise

Every time I see this comment I think the same thing. These dolls aren’t for men who want to treat women like objects. These dolls are for men who are so lonely they are willing to treat an object like a woman. Don’t worry you are safe.

not to put too fine a point on it, but when the beauty pageant contestants and the comedians are the ones calling out the racist and inflammatory rhetoric of our president and not, oh I dunno, OTHER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, then there seems to be something deeply amiss with our country

Dear Lifehacker,

If the couple buys sixty mason jars and some burlap from Target