
while it is disturbing & I’m not entirely sure I like what it says about me, but I kinda like the way you think...

Just as one can lead that mythical horse to water but not make them drink... One can provide every service/accommodation possible to the homeless, but one is often legally barred from forcing them to accept the help available. — One local channel has been doing an ongoing story (now in its 2nd or 3rd week, it seems)

Where is the “Loudly shout ‘CHISEL’ at them. And when they look at you dumbfounded & ask what. Say ‘I just wanted to get a word in edgewise.’” approach?

Nah, it be in chiller font.. bold, italics, & red (natch)...

I think you might be misoverestimating the impact such would have..... I think it’d need be far more than .1%. ?

I was considering making biscuits & sausage gravy this just the other day... only, to my dismay, to find I only had italian sausage in the freezer.... I shall now have to reconsider my “disappointment” at this discovery.

Never far enough?

Take some to copy shop & have them laminated for placemats... ??

wouldn’t it be better to “schedule” one (or a couple) each day? I don’t have the time (& barely the motivation) to do the things I actually want to do, much less the things I’m “supposed” to do.

I feel good when I manage the sheets on the first weekend... ugh.

at bset...

So, elevators are out too?

Exactly! Everyone (yeah, yeah, nearly) freaks out about every threat. Humans are notoriously bad at accessing risk. Especially when presented with only the “Sky is falling!” side of things.

I learned early to only toast the bottom piece... gives it structure to keep it from flopping about too much & the top untoasted doesn’t scratch(er whetever) the roof of your mouth...

See all this is because (R)s know voter fraud is happening, ‘cause, you know, THEY are the ones generally doing it. Stuff like voting with a dead MIL’s ballot, etc...

Wait. What word is that? Inquiring minds & all that... I suppose I’d recognize it if I saw it in context...

I remain unconvinced.... How is it then that some individuals seem drawn to various substances or activities & others do not? (I, for one, have very little interest in alcohol, much less in the more advances substances. Tho I’m sure if I were to consume any long enough...)

So if the idea is that one can only cast a Cuban actor to play a Cuban character/person... Does it not follow that a Cuban actor can then ONLY ever play Cuban characters? (AND replace with whatever ethnic/nationality instead for the next movie).

Melon baller for smaller ones & ice cream scoop (with the scrapy thumb-leaver thing) for bigger ones, depending on what you’re after....

Well, I guess I’ll never know. I’m not inclined to watch videos here...