I wish my laundry room were accessible from the outside for that... as it is in the basement, I have to wonder nearly all the way thru the house before I can toss the clothes onto the hamper at the basement door en route to the bathroom...
I wish my laundry room were accessible from the outside for that... as it is in the basement, I have to wonder nearly all the way thru the house before I can toss the clothes onto the hamper at the basement door en route to the bathroom...
portraying trans women and girls as predators
Yeah, while I completely agree, the only problem with a blanket elimination of the tax-free status, is that some (most) would then believe that since they’re paying the same sort of admissions fee that we, the private citizens, are paying, they will be even more insistent on involving themselves in the political realm…
I don’t mind people who say “no”; I have a major problem with people who say “yes” and then do “no”. Especially if without warning.
Oh, god how I love weekends where I get home Friday night & don’t have to deal with anyone until I leave for work Monday morning...
Additions to the yolk mix: bacon crumbles, finely diced onion & olive, & bit of horseradish.
Ah. that make sense.
I’d wager the “logical” reason was that the coach(es) just didn’t like her for some childish reason. As in, perhaps, she didn’t kiss their ass enough (in quality, quantity, & duration)?
Ok... So just how do car seats “expire”? I can understand accidents making them a no go item & having been recalled (do they fix them like they would a car or do they just get destroyed & replaced?). And most of the other items make, at least, some sense to not want/use second hand items (even if humanity has been…
OK. So you clearly do not have a neighbor with fir trees that drop their needled ALL YEAR LONG...
Dad told a story of a co-worker when we were living in ... Michigan ...
Your state (& probably most of ‘em) sure... the cop following you, not so much, maybe...
‘Cause if you don’t, the cop will get his panties all up in a twist & run YOU off the road, where your car will get totaled (but since you were “fleeing” “law enforcement” the insurance won’t pay for anything) & you will likely get to visit the hospital anyway (also see prior “(...)“ ).
Yeah, I’ve got one 40-45years old, I’ve only started cleaning ‘cause they’ve got a couple decades of dust & grime on ‘em. There is no way I’m gonna completely disassemble dozens of sets to clean them, no matter how much fun it would be to rebuild them again after. Now, if I were to have kids who played with them &…
And his half-sister... Won’t see much of half-brother ‘cept for the weekly, then monthly visits...
HOPEFULLY you have insurance on things via the storage facility (also)?
How to Tell If Your Kids Are Welcome?
AND have the “in”/cool window lower than the “out”/hot window. Even if it is only the bottom sash & the upper sash in a double hung window on the opposite sides of the house. The elevation diff helps... ‘cause, you know, hot air rises...