You’re on the wrong site; infowars is that way —->
You’re on the wrong site; infowars is that way —->
Hi there.
Norm, buddy, you’ve been on fi-a lately!
“I only came to a Billy Haisley article to shit on Billy Haisley. Thank you for your attention.”
Hey, I understand those points, but I’ll personally stick with the superior product.
Bring it trollboy
The joke here is that you said “Zelda” rather than “Link”, right? Right?
...the ease of a rubbery analog stick from decades later is a big advantage
“It’s pronounced YOU-kur!” —Kotaku Reader Joke Translator
Come on, that’s not how you spell— OH, YOU GODDAMN HOLLOW LOG
I feel personally attacked
As they say, “In for a Penny, in for a mother-in-law who takes all the alcohol I give her right before I get her to drive me to the desert.”
I’ve never seen someone be so completely, absolute, horrifically wrong about something.
Nintendo has not explained why it has made these changes. Kotaku has reached out to Nintendo for comment but did not receive comment in time for publication.
Full agreement, speaking as someone who has woken up in the past and thought the exact same thing.
It’s you.
On behalf of other gamers from Gen-X. No one cares.
Just make sure it appeals to the youths! Gotta get your Douchebag Youth Army to keep you in power.