
Who else stopped reading at Gloria Allred?

seriously, another gamexplain plug? seriously?

That's still a HUGE stretch to get to "POWER RANGERS ACTOR!"

Holy shit. So not only was he not a Power Rangers actor...he wasn't even ON Power Rangers?

Thirty-two year-old Yasutomo Ihara had a career of acting in Power Rangers and Kamen Rider television programs and movies. He was one of the guys dressed up in a suit, doing the fight scenes and stunts. And now, he's in trouble with the law for a series of alleged robberies.

He was a Super Sentai stuntman, not a Power Rangers actor.

Imagine the credit Crossfit would get if it said, fairly and clearly, "Look, Crossfit is a great way to burn fat and increase your fitness. It might not be right for you, but if you're interested in it, we welcome you into any establishment we have. We love doing Olympic lifts, but they are inherently dangerous, as

Part of Crossfit is performing movements with a relatively high potential for injury in a competitive environment with implicit pressure to go faster and heavier. This will inevitably lead to breakdowns in form, and injuries.

I want that. I have my reasons.

An all Hail Mary offense makes sense in North Dakota. Though in South Dakota, I'm assuming they...Rushmore.

That asshole stole my PowerPoint presentation!!!

Beast has super strength, super agility, and he's a brilliant scientist. If anything, Professor X needs to keep him on in case the internet goes down and the router needs resetting.

Is it weird that the "No" makes me want to play this game even more?

omg who cares. it's posted because it's interesting you knob.

Well, it's not like he really had a shot at becoming the biggest dick in his family anyway.

"Means I grew out of the phase and learned about other things in life."

Oh, fucking Christ, just shut up.

"Why are people so into Yuengling?"

So Superman Returns comes out...everyone bitches that the character is boring and outdated. Not too mention being turned into a creepy stalker...

i think brawl is a better game, but melee is more fun to play. if that makes sense. there's some validity to the hardcore/casual argument. it seemed as though brawl played significantly slower as a way to even the playing field. assist trophies and final smashes, cool as they are, were the same deal.