
i’m a smash player. i’m not a weed smoker. i know plenty of people who are both. and even if i didn’t, i wouldn’t be offended that a weed-related company wants to do this.

i was saying that if sex games really are mankind’s highest form of expression, then i want to die.

that’s an answer, yes.

this is not sex positivity. it’s just fucking weird.

then please god someone kill me.

honest question—why so much coverage of sex games?

she’s also not worried about governing yet. you can’t govern until you’ve been elected. and the people who get you elected aren’t always the people who then help you govern. she’s doing right by her boss, and doing what her boss pays her to do.

but would you say EVERYONE was shocked?

can someone explain the quotes around “lewd comment” in the headline?

i too enjoy milk with steak.

yes, but does it have a hand sticking up out of the toilet?

they’re playing it now...until TPC’s lawyers get on the phone. enjoy it while it lasts, kiddies.

susana martinez never endorsed him. she caught a lot of shit for it as a hashtag “rising star” in the GOP, and president of the republican governor’s association.

a reach, but a good one.

weight =/= strength. he hits hard because he hits hard, not because he’s fat. plenty of fat guys (like me!) couldn’t hope to come close to laying out dudes like he does.

somewhere, the guy who invented those not-very-comfortable-but-better-than-sitting-directly-on-the-floor video chairs is getting SUPER excited.

i appreciate the ingenuity and time that go into finding and exploiting glitches like these.

martok/worf 2016

the last guy who mattered enough for me to remember him, then.

as a mets fan who attended game 6 of the 2006 NLCS, and longtime disliker of tim tebow, let me say that i already like him better than the last guy to wear #15.