what a duketastrophe.
what a duketastrophe.
more rushed? six years between games wasn't enough time? you want they should have waited until two console generations from now so peach could come through your TV and slap you across the face in virtual reality?
scumbag steve sure did let himself go.
i'm saying your assertion is wholly incorrect. the studios own the rights to the movies and everything contained therein (it even says so at the end of the movie). they are not beholden to the directors, cast, crew, etc. in ANY way. the batsuits don't belong to tim burton, chris nolan or joel schumacher. they…
Even though WB owns all the licenses the people that made those movies can still demand that anything from those movies to not show up in the Arkham games, which is likely the case.
ok, i'll bite. what's your source, sir?
umm no. WB has the games and the movies, just like it does for the animated series, which is why that costume appeared. the burton/schumacher/nolan costumes haven't appeared only because they haven't deigned to put them in there.
i think brawl is a better game, but melee is more fun to play. if that makes sense. there's some validity to the hardcore/casual argument. it seemed as though brawl played significantly slower as a way to even the playing field. assist trophies and final smashes, cool as they are, were the same deal.
Actually he lectured you, and the dialog boxes were so big it made it near impossible to see what you were doing. And it always seemed like it lasted FOREVER.
excellent damian sandow reference but...
the difference being that PS+ is actually, you know, worth something.
it's well established that 17-year-olds, by and large, do not possess the maturity and life experience to make decisions like this. he thinks he's bradley manning. the aussie government will, too—when they throw him in prison.
to see if you have acquired new games, or resold, traded in, or given your game to a friend.''
Yeah, how do you figure there were allegories to the Bush doctrine and the Tea Party when the show ended in 1999, two years before Bush took office and a whole lotta years before the Tea Party was a thing?
and really, here's the beginning and the end of this. you're taught, from the very first day of journalism school, that you don't curse in front of a mic, because every mic has to be presumed live at all times. period. end of sentence. IT'S THE FIRST THING THEY TEACH YOU WHEN YOU PICK UP A MICROPHONE.
strange...the one that said "got that n***y ticket!" has disappeared in the last two hours. just like the one where he made a comment about how he should do a story on the "posteriors" of bismarck women, and the one where he proudly sought the title of most jacked news anchor, but of course, a "no homo" for good…
don't worry. he'll be free to take a job selling muscle milk at the local vitamin world very early tomorrow morning.
go spent 10 minutes reading the last few months worth of his tweets. then it will all make sense. some "no homo"s with a dose of the n-word, and a comment about the "posteriors" on the women of bismarck.
Can we talk for a second about how his tweets are filled with profanity and the kind of spelling and grammar we've come to expect from high school sophomores?