
A straight key in the picture and saying obsolete technology, it just makes me laugh. I'm a ham radio operator and I can tell you that the straight key is not dead, and neither is Morse code for that matter. It has just evolved a little bit.

I would offer you a Colt 45 but Lando is busy hanging out with Harvey while the General is out getting you some of his delicious fried chicken.

That was the Galileo Jupiter mission.

Saturn, the "Ringed Planet," is so far away from the Sun that it receives only about 1/80th the amount of sunlight that we receive here on Earth. Yes, the Sun appears much smaller from there. "…"

Oh and the stupid snowflake that tells me its cold outside!

The phone button on my MKV GLI (06). The module was never installed so the button does nothing!

I'm going with Logan's Run after they escape through the Fort Worth Water Gardens.

Because they dont listen to the original material and go off and leave out 3/4 of the main plotline.

Slaughter, Louisiana? Maybe the game wasnt at fault.

I will have to go with my all time favorite both for Cover Art and awesome sci fi read.

And not long after I received my first super-soaker of this type did I realize I could hook up the garden hose to the bottle adapter and have an unlimited supply of water and pressure, enough to write my name on the concrete sidewalk.

Your dealing with a satellite in polar orbit around the Earth, so your looking at an average distance of 93,000,000 miles and seeing something only 150 miles across. Not bad when you consider it that way.

Beat my PING!

Jag + Turbine = Awsomeness

Ditto on the Goat!

Ask and you shall receive.

What I dont get is that you complain about the show and how people on it are portrayed and victimized....but yet you watch it anyway. Dont watch the show, go watch Mythbusters instead.

Halle-friken-lujah! If this comes to pass I will be a very happy FIOS customer.

I have had my Panasonic Plasma 42" for 6 years now...Still runs like a champ!