No skybox can contain him now.
No skybox can contain him now.
They will also build in at least one easily exploited flaw that will only emerge after 15 years of production rendering all of their chips vulnerable and causing mass panic in the IT community.
My money is on “Intelit”
Asking the important questions.
Can you hook up a sweet LED light controller to it so you make sure your gaming rig looks “Sick”?
Agreed. As soon as the new management team came in along about the time of “Monster Garage” and “Orange County Choppers,” I couldn’t take it any more. “Mythbusters” was the notable exception.
Yeah — I recall it as once having been pretty decent, with roots in the (commercially unsustainable) flowering of popular science journalism in the mid 80s, then going more into “reality” shows and sensationalism in about the timeframe you mention. It has sometimes had fun stuff with informational value since then,…
Discovery has been absolute TV trash for about 2 decades now.
I LOVED playing bad guy in the Kotor games. To me it made sense...Revan is back and out for revenge. Holy smokes, you could do some God awful things to people.
You think that’s bad? Try Planescape: Torment as an evil character. Your companions reacting to my evil actions burrowed a hole in my soul.
Same here. Happens to me in every game - I decide to do an “asshole” playthrough, and get about 45 minutes in before I feel too guilty for screwing the NPCs and end up just starting over as a nice guy again.
But in fairness, a lot of things need to have gone right over the preceding games for the best endings as far as the genophage and Rannoch go.
i had that in kotor, i just didn’t enjoy playing a “bad guy”
The “Science” Channel is to science what the “History” Channel is to history.
“Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family during this difficult time,” Science Channel said in a statement.
^^So much this^^ Discovery Networks, which includes TLC, The Science Channel, etc., *used* to be an amazingly wonderful altruistic organization, dedicated to educating and expanding the knowledge, hearts, and minds of many. However, apparently that’s a bad thing for some, so it was turned into the very antithesis of…
I’ve played WoW for literally over 15 years now, and I can’t fathom why ANYONE is interested in “Classic” WoW. Seriously, the game was shit back then. At least half the classes had two specs that were either bad or outright did not work at all. Some specs were badly designed on purpose - paladin or druid tanks were…
Wouldn’t crowdfunding to pay for medical bills be something like ... managed healthcare?
You can take what I say with a grain of salt: