
This reeks of Fear Of Missing Out (of the Chinese market)
Simple business strategy. you need to make more profit every year, otherwise the shareholders will dump you. China is now that possibility for expansion, so every company does whatever it needs to, to please their future customers.

offends a portion or group of the public,

I’m holding out for Freedom Cobra

Imagine thinking teenagers don’t know about horny memes

Oh the kids definitely know where it comes from lolol 

Not sure if this is where you want to go but the Petrovitch trilogy starting with “The Equations of Life are really outstanding, kind of cyberpunk (if you like people who are not particularly likable) - SF focusing on a super-genius.

There is a second googly, and he is absolutely shocked that Antonio Brown was released.

Are we sure that’s not just a member of the Gase clan?

The Arkham games are fantastic. People complained about driving/shooting in the Batmobile in Knight, but I thought it was fine, and enjoyed how the car occasionally helped solve puzzles. I just bought the Season Pass on sale, excited to play all that content.

Which would you really rather have when you grow up?


Steelers fans like him again now

+1 Alderaan being blown up by the Death Star

And the only thing that can prevent another Patriots Super Bowl victory? This man:

And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.

Yeah. What a coincidence that the fascist escapees from one of the words greatest atrocities’ descendants are displaying immoral behaviors /s.

okay yeah, white people being a problem is true, which is true on an intercontinental and transcultural basis thanks to settlerism, colonialism, so on. so, you have that point. you also sure as hell have a point with how you describe bougie politicians lol

I starred your comment, and it really hurt to reward a Flamenguista. 

I was surprised by who hooked I was in Anne Leckie’s Ancillary series. Just really well written space drama/adventure.

When the country is being over run by Nazi’s it’s something people tend to write about. Charging journalists with felonies, I mean, this is scary stuff.