Tebow reached on a fielder’s choice...
Tebow reached on a fielder’s choice...
‘Chipshajen’ = The Potato Chip Shark
I agree with Godzilla but thanks for that pic — I exhaled briskly through my nose.
You guys don’t cover overwatch enough.
Trump can’t grow a beard
As a Jew, I’ve been wondering this whole election “when are the Jews going to get dragged into this?”
They better watch their mouths or their relationships will be over.
Australia, come get your large adult son.
More like Andrew Bogan, amIright???
More like Andrew Bigot, amirite???
My dad always said it’s not really Gatorade in there, but I had no idea.
Point of order: Portuguese are not Latinos....just sayin.
Dare to dream the impossible dream.
Sooooo...... no mention of the guy on the right being Sean Hannity after getting his head run over by a jeep?
He was an Army Engineer on the Front lines inserted withing the 1104th and his job was deactivating land mines.
There are widows, widowers and orphans, but there is no word for a parent who lost a child.
Wow. Condolences to the Gay family. No parent should ever bury their child.
One of the worst things about this election is learning exactly what percentage of Americans are total monsters.
Rockstar would be close GTA V and Red Dead have a lot of polish. All 3 Boishock games, Valve if they would make a new game has a lot of polish, I agree with Naughty Dog being on the list, I am sure there are others. But yes Nintendo would top the list and Blizzard wouldn’t be far behind... if they are behind at all. I…