
And Iran

Usually the boos is only a problem at her family parties.

I’ll never understand the ‘I can’t earn everything in the game, therefor I’m being cheated’ philosophy. Exclusive rewards for timed events are fine, and it doesn’t detract from your experience by not having every fucking skin for every hero.

Worst quarterback in the NFL,” [Michael] says.

Lucille Ball approves.

I thought it was going to be a fourth variation of the map as well. I did know all 3 loaded at once, though, as I’ve seen various play of the game glitches, where it showed random footage from the other map variations interspliced with the actual map the play took place on.

Yeah, homicidal maniacs immediately attempt to hit somebody or shoot the victim 27 times. Completely normal response from those lacking in sanity.

You’d think Green would wait to get to Rio to go viral.

All the king of the hill maps are like this. You can see the night market if you look down from the garden map. And you can see the control center if you look up from the garden.


I’m betting all of them are made this way to avoid loading screens between rounds.

My buddy pointed that out yesterday. He didn’t notice it until after I told him that the entire game is centered around genocidal-racism.

When entering Custom Game in a spectate mode, you can look “over the edges” and see the maps. I just found out yesterday that the napel maps are basically located in three tiers on the side of the mountain, with the sanctum being highest, temple in the middle and the village in the bottom.

Yes I’m confused that is 100% the village section for the Nepal maps...

Here, have the picture that was reference for it:

the SmugMug is so strong with this bag of dicks.

She brought you into this world and she can take you out of it too!