
Ha, you are so correct. I’ll have to paraphrase, but this is roughly a group text I sent to a bunch of friends explaining why I wasn’t going to be answering for a while—”I’m outside in my friend’s backyard so I can hear the city go crazy. I can’t type any more because in one hand I have a beer, an Absinthe flask and a

A Cubs win would be sweet indeed. Alas, I’m afraid I used up all my sports mojo on the Broncos this year, as evidenced by the Cavs’ (well-deserved) win. I was merely a bandwagon GS fan, though, whereas I am a born-and-raised Denverite, so it was a worthwhile cash-in. Plus, Cleveland earned this one.


I would say that people who believe in curses are the same ones that say “we won.”

Also, Toronto Maple Leafs...

When GS’s top scorer ends up being Draymond, you knew they were in a lot of trouble, lol.

Your Copa América semifinalists:

Construction is one of the easiest ways to launder bribes in the world. If you get the olympics you can get your govt to legally sign major construction contracts. The prices on those contracts are all inflated. The line item for $10/widget quietly becomes $14/widget, etc. and the margins come back to the politicians

I get the sentiment, but Rio isn't exactly a third world shit hole.

The last thing Olympic committees want is existing infrastructure. Brazil actually represents a compromise of sorts because it built a number of facilities for the World Cup. But generally, the action in this area is with BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), countries with emerging economies,

For the life of me I’ll never understand why they make these host countries build all this bullshit. Use the existing facilities. Isn’t that part of the whole “hosting” thing? To show off your country’s charms? If a country doesn’t have the infrastructure to host the games as is, then don’t fucking go there.

MEI IS THE BEST, congrats on getting banned from kotaku

Fucking hell.

What the everloving fuck is wrong with people?

Names that would cause the biggest hot take shit storm if on list (However unlikely):

It looked pretty terrible in the Sony livestream. If I recall correctly, that and the Quantic Dream thing looked like the only stinkers. And I’m mostly basing the Quantic Dream verdict on their existing catalogue.

That particular Pokemon is now ruined :(

A pearl necklace in VR? Perhaps you want a.... different game.

I don’t get why people place value on E3, when there are now so many different events during the year (PAX, RTX, others) where developers can do the same thing to a more public effect. It’s a business trade show. Gamers - who are never allowed entry - over-revere it because it shows off new stuff they can’t touch.

A racist, a cheater, a misogynist, and a douchebag walks into a bar. Bartender says, “Sorry, Mr. Trump, we’re closed.”