
Shitty at game develoment?
Unreal Tournament, Gears of War, Fortnite and the most widely used engine outside of mobile platforms (Unreal Engine4)?

I think they still are. Their engines are always great, easy to use (relative to the complexity of gamecrafting). Their games are still good.
They’re up there with CDPR, Blizzard, Nintendo, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog and a few others.

Isn’t UE4 is free?

Yeah, they’re very competent and they give back. It’s something important that a lot of over companies don’t do at all.

Epic games is a chill company.

Gamergaters are the cancer of the gaming community.

That’s the ONLY reasonable motive i’ve ever read.
But it is inevitable, isn’t it?
The internet as a whole is a place for strange folks

MoonMoon_OW + Anybody

If no one is nude, promoting hate speech, pedophilia or infringing copyright, i don’t care.

I’m pretty sure the usual ‘SJW’ has nothing to do with this. This reeks of gamergater-alt-right-tiki-torch-nerd. Mad as hell that they have the charisma of a paperweight and eat the dust of girls who have attractive physical attributes.

That sums it up nicely.
Still pretty pathetic. They may think their hierarchy means something, but if boobs trump that, their hierarchy is pretty weak. And man, there’s very few things that trump stuff like boobs do. They should realize that boobs are n.1. (radfem would haaaate this statement, but boobs are

It has nothing to do with ‘SJW’s. I’m pretty sure these are the remnants of the biggest losers on the internet, the gamergaters who got trampled in the court of public opinion because their cause was so fake and their intentions so transparent people stop giving a crap super quickly. (And they promptly jumped on the

Try and project harder. You didn’t even make sense.

I’m quite alright on that front, mate. You’re delivering the message to the wrong crowd. Maybe copy/paste your reply into twitch chat? Maybe 4chan?

Man, i wish i was zen to write like this.
Take a hundred stars.

You can disagree all you want. You know that this thing has layers of abstraction, right? We can agree and disagree on various layers of the issue.
There’s disagreeing, not liking it and whatever.
But if you’re one of these sacks of shit who are harassing girls because they can’t deal with a pair of breasts, yeah.

How are they preying on people by passively doing something?

People seek what they seek. They’re there, they’re doing their thing. No one HAS to click their stream and watch their stream +boobs. But guys keep locking in. Their choice. Why should the girls stop? It helps them make an honest living and they cause no harm

I’d bet money these turds who are harassing these girls on twitch love boobs but actually hate women because they despise their zit ridden asses.

Seriously dude. That’s the most ridiculous argument i’ve ever seen. “Thinking of the children” GTFO. Most games being streamed are about emptying clips on other people, cleaving heads off, wandering on desolate psycho people’s haunted houses, slaying demons.
Children literally have tits shoved in their faces for a

It’s not a matter of freedom. It’s a waste of time that accomplishes absolutely fuck all.
Maybe the JAWBS crisis in america really is this bad. These fucking turds need to carry some bags of cement and man the fuck up.

JFC, these pathetic angry nerds are the fucking worst shit.
Get a fucking life.
Who gives a flying fuck if girl streamers want to show cleavage?