Ew, no.
Ew, no.
Not to mention how the japanese government clearly omits their own fault in history books and japanese kids grow up thinking Japan did nothing wrong in WWII.
Sonic team trying to make edgy characters should just stop.
I hadn’t seen that until i saw Moonmoon_ow’s stream and almost pissed myself laughing at the technical incompetence.
From what little i watched from this game it seems like it’s Medieval Country bumpkin simulator?
Can something be odorless and have taste? (pronounced taste)
I thought the two were directly linked together (from what i can remember from highschool chemistry)
This is really really cool.
I hope she becomes a star!
Also, the Dragons need her badly.
In the video we can see capcom, or Akiman have the original frames, drawn by pencil on graph paper. Why aren’t they using it for a SFIII HD remake?
Also, all of the guys on the OW art team were clearly influenced by Yasuda.
That part in the end where he says overwatch reignited his love for gaming would’ve made me…
Actually, i’ll bet you it is the exact same model.
But modern engines scale mesh and texture map resolution to either view distance or to keep framerates high. And they do it reeeeally well today.
The name for is tassellation, you might’ve seen this setting in graphics menus dating back to maybe the late 90's.
This is to be expected when a game this detailed comes out, isn’t it?
Games like these always decrease the amount of polygons and the resolution of the texture maps depending on view distance and quantity of simultaneous models on screen. It’s what makes a lot of modern games to look as good as they do today.
Why make…
It’s the fucking best.
My obssession with keyboards, recently acquired, might be my undoing.
Not a fan of the games, but i’m glad nintendo is getting some 3rd party support.
A supported Nintendo doing well is good for the world of videogames.
No, i’m saying that like all the previous and current versions of Counter-Strike, PUBG is bland as fuck in it’s art direction.
Might be superficial of me (probably is) but i think PUBG (like all Counter-Strikes to date) is one of the blandest looking games i’ve ever seen.
Fortnite has pretty solid art direction and the engine is really really cool.
I imagine Chuck Norris has some chinese on his butt.
I wouldn’t even be mad.
“Yo, check this out: JVD kicked me straight in the schnoz!”
I’m rather impressed at the long game troll he’s been. He knows he’s ticking people off every week and keeps doing it like a monk.
Man, Bono can fuck off.
There’s an entire subculture of angry men music. It’s called metal. It’s 100% entirely predicated on male agression.
Jesus fucking christ. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK, moron.
Man, i really gotta give it to Namco-Bandai.
Devs have been getting close to the anime cel shading aesthetic for a long time but not quite hitting the mark.
But the art direction in this is really fucking impressive. They absolutely nailed the Dragon Ball visual style and cel shading.
I’d be up to remaking the entire…
Had it coming.
He’s not man enough to say that shit here in Brazil. He might get stabbed or shot or both.
And i would laugh at it.