Coolest guy in the NFL.
Coolest guy in the NFL.
Fuck the human element. Robot umps forever.
This looks like a million bucks.
Beats being a racist punk bitch.
Since months of self reflection obviously did nothing.
It’s my wish for every racist.
I hope they say it around the wrong people and get totally wrecked.
I’ve seen it happen here in Brazil. This old rich woman called an waitress “monkey”, the girl turned around and kicked her straight on her chest and she fell backwards on her chair like the sack of shit she is.
Not surprising at all.
From my experience as a visitor on the site (i have the Bears, Blackhawks and Cubs blogs bookmarked, visit them daily during seasons), it seems like that’s the case. I rarely read the stuff their own staff writes unless it’s in collaboration with the editors on those team blogs.
I’m not outraged. I don’t like the word but i’m not the one which it’s venom hurts.
Being used widely (by complete assholes) isn’t an excuse. It doesn’t surprise me at all. But he’s stupid and while i’d like him to go away for it (even if he trully regrets it) there’s an army of idiotic 15 year olds who idolize this…
I don’t know a better word for it. I mean, how else do you cure racism that’s not some kind of therapy that teaches you to empathize (which is precisely what sensitivity training is)?
(English is not my first language).
He should go get some therapy/sensitivity training.
His head is messed up if at the slightest sign of frustration what surfaces in his mind is racism, you need go get your shit checked out. Dude has serious issues.
Also, fall into obscurity. He had a ride for the ages and threw it away.
It’s not complaining. I was laughing at it =)
Specially after the loss. Specially after every media brownoser picked the Patriots to go 16-0. I just stated what i thought it meant at the end of it.
That’s karma for that gaudy AF ceremony before kickoff where they sucked their own dicks dry like they were Steve Bannon
Beyonce could very well be an egyptian goddess were she born some 4500 thousand years ago.
Yeah, man. It’s becoming harder and harder to pluck real coaches off CFB
(about Glennon) Yeah...Man, i hate John Fox.
I’m hoping we get Harbaugh sometime soon.
It’s still better than any non-playoff college tape.
Bears aren’t a good team at the moment bro. We were in 2005-2006 then again in 2010-2012 but teams that go 3-13 aren’t good.
I don’t fool myself. People who do suffer more. I just keep watching until they’re good again.
And for better teams pre-season means one thing: unnecessary injuries.
But for rebuilding teams like…
I usually dislike the pre-season. Fans of good teams will always loathe it.
Does anybody have the link to the chinese version? I’m curious to watch it in chinese.