
Stitches is clown that gets killed by brats, then comes back for revenge. this looks like unlucky father tries to entertain son and gets stuck with evil Venom-symbiote-esque clown suit that doesn’t come off.

Tormund/Brienne is the Romance Comedy of Ice and Fire i would happily watch. they’re from two different worlds but united by a love of battle. all it needs a cute trailer with “I’m gonna be” by the Proclaimers in the background.

It looks like a fight club for those bald spacemen from Prometheus. i’m gonna wait for Netflix on this one.

I’m not familiar with the Preacher comics, but if they’re anything like Garth Ennis’ work on Hellblazer i suspect I will greatly enjoy this show.

i don’t know who the Neckpillow Swordsman is, but he looks like he belongs in a Deadpool sequel. i will happily pay movie theater prices to watch Ryan Reynolds make fun of him and then kill him.

I will safely dispose of unwanted cereal dust for a modest fee.
on an unrelated note, i will be offering a line cereal-dust related products (cerealdust infused nutella, cerealdust-infused creamcheese, cerealdust butter, no-bake cerealdust protein bites, etc) at luxury snack prices.

I haven’t read all the books, but the ones I did read seemed to be in different genres as follows:
Interview with the Vampire - tragedy. being a vampire is very sad and everything you love will fade away.
Vampire Lestat - superhero. How I learned to stop worrying and love being a vampire.
Queen of the Damned - fantasy.

worst... or best? i would so watch That’s so Ramsey

dagnabbit. I would much rather watch a James Wan superhero movie than a Christopher Nolan one. this is why we can’t have nice DC movies.

Thank you for all your hard work on i09 - it has brought so many enjoyable things into my life, books i otherwise may not have read, movies and shows i wouldn’t have known existed. i09 gives me life.

i thought it was because powerful wizards can take whatever form they choose and the Ancient One wanted to look like an alien for whatever reason. Bald tilda swinton looks like an alien to me.

I am curious to see if these items remain prime-exclusive indefinitely or if they are being offered at a special prime-exclusive discount for a limited time before becoming available to everyone at a regular price. Prime subscribers are paying a monthly fee for assorted extra services/perks/special treatment from

nope. he’s still in a holding cell. a SHIELD holding cell. to be released or receive a new roommate as needed.

I like this theory. I suspect we will also get a showdown between Lash and Hive. every inhuman serves some sort of purpose, and Lash seems like a good candidate for the role of Hive Killswitch. plus there’s no other reason for him to turn back up this season and surrender to SHIELD unless they’ll need him to help with

Mendelsohn isn’t worried about the cape because either A) Laundry Troopers need to earn their paychecks or B) you don’t live long enough to reach a high rank in an organization run by henchman-slaying tantrum throwers without learning how to clean a cape.

I think the video needs a “you might be asexual, which is also good” somewhere in there.

since there hasn’t been anything in the movies about Han’s love life before he met Leia, there’s nothing to say these two weren’t a couple.

i like Cheese-us Crust, and lean heavily on dagnabbit, tarnation, and similar Yosemite Sam exclamations. my knick knack paddy whacks are long eared carrot eatin varmints.

*sniffle*...not today...

i always controlled the firehose of posts by unfriending, blocking, or unfollowing people/businesses that post more than what i want to see. now my facebook feed is roughly 50% advertisements and 50% posts. so i use it only about half as much.