
This whole post is bullshit. To start, we do not know what happened before this video.Look at the :07 second mark. The officer attempts to apprehend the guy and he swipes his hand away and begins resisting arrest and continues to not cooperate. This could have all been prevented. However, this best part of this whole

Maybe it's my astigmatism but this guy is clearly hammered and resisiting.

Oh shut up... more like: Here's an example of Dead spin trying to stir the pot.

not a cop supporter, nor am i a fan of the mainstream media.....but in this case, this is why the media have a job. they don't manufacture these stories and try to make them viral and report on what some d-head w/ a cell phone posted to facebook in an attempt to present them as news.

As with all videos of this nature, I'd love to see what happened up until the point when that guy felt the need to start taping.

"Hanging around .500 respectability" beautifully sums up Jeff Fisher's entire career.

LOL. That's pretty funny. Almost as funny as how they still aren't winning with all those picks. And how the next time they win, it will be in Los Angeles with a different coach. Rich.


Only young people? don't make me laugh.

This thing is not about Wilson or Ferguson.

Yes, these people look like they really care about the Ferguson protestors:

They can call for it but it ain't gonna happen.

Hell yeah I won't be going out on Black Friday because of Ferguson . . . and Amazon.

I think hating our Instagram "culture" means you are actually very healthy. And wise.

Sometimes the satire on this sight goes over my heads and I just think the authors are psychotic megalomaniacs.

I was commenting to a friend about Washington that they sorta have to stick with RGIII because the only thing worse than watching him fail in your jersey is watching him succeed in someone else's unless Colt is the answer. Hell, St. Louis needs a QB, has good pieces (and a decent line) and it would be fitting

doesn't work with the rest of the body.

Because swatters use ultra-secret ancient technology called "pay phone".

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

Jesus, I thought CA was bad. And jail for speeding is bullshit.