Here's how you know he was in bad shape, other players were motioning over for help. They wouldn't do that if they weren't concerned.
Here's how you know he was in bad shape, other players were motioning over for help. They wouldn't do that if they weren't concerned.
This is getting kinda silly. Yea, some people have been arrested. Far less of a percentage compared to the general population. And what about all the TV shows all these corporations advertise on? Think all those actors are perfect little angels?
Good for him. Always thought Lovie hated him for some reason.
He's da real MVP
I like all of these changes.
A ONE YEAR OLD everybody
"doubt in my mind that AP will get off without a charge"
Look, I like Foster, but c'mon. Just because you sell alcohol doesn't mean you can't exercise your companies rights to not sponser a team that employs someone you find repulsive.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say its because many are horrified that a 4 year old would ever be beaten with a branch and leaves cuts and bruises all up and down his legs and back.
yea, they turned out so fine that they feel the need to beat 4 year olds.
I think part of it is this: if you were spanked as a child, you don't want to come out and say that was wrong because 1) you don't want to be a victim and 2) you don't want to make it seem like you're insulting your parents.
She should offer people chances to whip each other with it, see who's willing. I mean if its OK to hit a 4 year old, surely some grown adults should be perfectly fine... right? No Big Deal?
a couple at most? Um... i think the "at most" part is the whole season. Maybe years.
we scored a few plays later....
Sigh. Tied 37 all with 4 seconds left and WV scores a long field goal to win the game. Boooooo
i was thinking about that this morning. Somehow we all know its not OK to hit animals, or adults.... but children? Apparently a large portion of us think that's totally OK
Gross. Horrifying. I don't care how you were raised. That's inappropriate. I'm fine with him never, ever, playing for the NFL again.
I'm gonna go with.... really shitty service.
The ones whose teams make the most money?