
And people on Beats Music spent..... how much?

And Beats Music is used by....... how many people? One Billion in revenue is not one billion in profit. Seems like they could have spent a little dough to make their own, even better headphones, that would have just as much cache, because Apple.

I still don't understand this Apple/Beats merger.

I think all things considered, its better. Provided you don't buy too much home, which many people do. When a bank is willing to give you a $400,000+ loan, that doens't mean you should take it.

The average American wedding costs $30k ????!!! Good god, we're entitled. I'm so happy mine cost about.... $500

It really sucks that the terrorists have won. Now all you have to do to completely ruin and shut down a major event like this is just leave a backpack somewhere.

But... they aren't racists either

You think only racists use "white guilt" unironically? I assure you, many use it pretty seriously.

As an example he offered up the right-wing critics of the first black president, and said, "The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts."

Yes... so they can catch a ball or spear someones chest. Not get there quicker.

If you were right, and you aren't, then why don't Olympic runners dive at the end instead of merely leaning forward?

No... because if your feet are still on the ground... and you're running through the bag, as you should be, then your legs continuing to turn over will help you maintain a faster pace than if you leave the ground. Once you leave the ground not only are you not accelerating, but you're immediately slowing down, and if

Its gonna be awesome when some in the comments section claim he's right....

Has anyone studied this... like for science? The differences between getting a better "grip" on the ball, vs putting something on it to make it do things you couldn't normally do?

Hardly what? Did I mention child murders? Or child murderers?

Well I thought it would cover every possible thing. As of now, I don't buy insurance and have been going strong with this phone for 3 years.

i thought faith hill and tim broke up. like... divorced.

almost all murderers of men are men. almost all murderers of women are men. Almost all the murderers who have ever lived... are men.

Its funny that you put porn on this list, since I assure you, many women think their SO's do not and have not and would not ever watch such a thing.

I was paying $10 a month and they told me to get lost.