
I refuse to believe that as well. They're on a huge set, dozens or a hundred people working all day. They had to have food and drinks. I refuse to believe they didn't. There's always food available, especially for the actors. This isn't some blue collar job/production where people bring their own clothes and use a

Am I crazy or does the last second before the buzzer sounds take like... 5 seconds. It goes 4,3,2,1............................................0.... buzz.

Uh... they can be recycled. Also, again... reusable bottles. I refuse to believe that on a several weeks or months long shoot that the actors weren't given things to drink.

Couldn't you afford one of these by now instead?

Yea... I highly doubt bottled water was banned on the set. They're building giant sets and putting up huge green screens when appropriate, but water for the actors was banned? C'mon. Nalgene bottles anyone?

Yes, they went too far.

Yea I tried this. Ended up thinking it was too much trouble.

Maybe they aren't being treated as bad as you think and aren't interested in swelling the ranks of a dying union


AHHHHHH. I was wondering how you got the rainbow from a mac keyboard. I was hoping you knew something I didnt

that looks like a good way to die

what keyboard is this?

lol. Well, I mean obviously it doesn't look "real", but I think that in the context they used it in, it looks pretty freaking cool. Might the absolute best CGI of today be able re-do those scenes with ED-209 better? Maybe. The scenes are pretty small. But, cheap CGI or poorly executed could also look worse. So its

via text?

And yet... the highly anticipated, heavily marketed Prometheus only manged $130 million.

Um. Everything you've said is wrong. The Matrix, Terminator, 300, yes you've managed to name a few successful R rated movies. PG-13 movies have no ceiling, the sky is the limit. R rated movies absolutely have a ceiling.

$$$$ money money money.

Nope, those look fine too. Its stop motion, so while its not CGI smooth, it is its own special brand of cool and realistic looking.

The original Robocop IS above reproach. Watched it again this weekend.

why did the browns fire their coach again?