Wrong. Many people have to be in the union just because of the job they hold.
Wrong. Many people have to be in the union just because of the job they hold.
Same with blockbuster. Sold blank VHS tapes right up front.
I've read/heard the reasons why tape is preferable to say a CD or an MP3. For me it comes down to this: you buy a CD and its super easy to burn it onto your computer and then onto your MP3 player or phone or thumb drive.
Is this the most "blah" Olympics ever? I haven't heard one single person say they are excited or even interested.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. The NFL Network people are better, period.
Are all of these dogs strays? Its so foreign to me to think of there being a large number of stray dogs.
I'm confused. I feel like everyone this week has been all "UGH Woody Allen is awful and gross."
The Matrix came out almost 15 years ago.... but that's a "10th Anniversary" edition blu ray? from 2012?
yea but all experienced ebayers know that anything less than 99% is a serious indictment
for free apps, who cares. But paid ones, youtube reviews are the way to go. Youtube reviews of many, many things are the way to go.
Just did this today, saw soup was half off, bought enough to eat lunch with for the next two weeks. (different varities, same brand)
Exactly. Most people don't realize that sales are designed to make them buy things they may have not wanted or needed before.
The home/bonus/tax refund one is a good one. I've seen several people who bought a new house and then went craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy with things in the house. At one point I said "do you need this item (a new stove)" and they said "oh no, the stove works fine, but I want one".
hey look, drunk assholes look the same in Seattle as they do everywhere else....
good choice for MVP. I was curious who it would be. I felt sure at one point it'd be Wilson.
good job on that security everybody
GDT has a giant robot with a sword, and snobs everywhere are like "oh its soooo awesooooooome".