
I use to feel that if my friends were on G+ I'd be happier to use it. Now, I'm not so sure. Now I feel like G+ is annoying and what its done to the rest of google services is annoying too.

ew. no.

I blame this on terrorism. God damned terrorists.

Uh... really? She gets paid millions, appears in commercials, embraces magazine covers. Not really comparable.

As we've seen from other awards shows, the elite don't like to be made fun of. His jokes weren't that bad, but big stars don't like being told to eat shit.

I've been predicting he leaves all season, however all of the reports make no sense. He was cleaning out his office BEFORE the playoff game? After they won 7 in a row and everything looked great? When a little more luck might have found them in the big one? C'mon. Don't buy it. Several people have said they were in

Predict what? A skins team that would go 10-6, have their star QB's knee ruined, have a horrible awful year and get blowed up by the Chiefs? When did he predict that?

Told us what Donny? That you were still good enough to play? Yea how'd that work out when you left?

I think if you put someone in some unknown car and said "hey can you tell this is an independant rear suspention?" they would say "What are you talking about." Most people have no clue about that.

This thing is H O T

Yes! Imagine a dystopian future where our sci-fi hero doesn't have to thrown into ridiculous mortal combat situations, where she can live where she wants and not be forced to pretend to love one man for political reasons....

the jumbo tron is just that.... Jumbo. And its also 100 feet up in the air, no need for him to do what he did. None.

Yea well he's a god damned liar.

So if the movie stays away from politics, why didn't you?

taking it off the table? I think I know what you mean, but if your husband turns into a total asshole and leaves you.... how is that to be willed away?

Uh. No. You want an entire report to be made public? With your name, address, social security number and anything someone may have said about you, true or not, included?

Age doesn't add up

What. The. Fuck.

He would have been wrecked, but would have successfully stopped a TD and possibly injured one of the opposing teams best players.

Yea, she knows the head linesman told her to move the chains and make it a fourth down.