Oh you think thats what guys are asked to cut? Cool story bro, but no. This story has a lot outrage and emotions without any info about what she is actually being asked to do to possibly come into line with what the policy is.
Oh you think thats what guys are asked to cut? Cool story bro, but no. This story has a lot outrage and emotions without any info about what she is actually being asked to do to possibly come into line with what the policy is.
I see a lot of people jumping to a lot of conclusions about what she is being asked to do, with not a lot of facts.
We don't know what the other kids may or may not have been told at this school. I've seen women at school and work who have had to cut or style their hair to an arbitrary standard.
I don't know whats distracting about it, but we also don't know what the school is saying either. Many posters on here are assuming no other child has run up against a similar rule, we don't know that. i don't know what would be distracting about having a girl grow hair past her shoulder blades or a guy past his…
"let others dictate what your life will be."
You've added nothing to the discussion. Everyone screaming "she's just a little girl" doesn't add anything either. She's a young person.
Tough love to the 12 year old? She can't hear us ya know. Love or tough love is up to her parents to decide. Its a private school. If its anything like the ones I'm familiar with there are a lot of rules that many people might find absurd. If they want to keep it, leave. If they want to stay, good. Try to find a…
whatever you say anonymous internet poster!
This is what happens in life. I've seen many, many others asked to change their hair or their clothes. Its not the end of the world.
Its a private school, if you don't like it, leave it. If I had to weigh leaving a school with all my friends or trimming my hair, I'd choose to trim my hair.
There's a very strong comment from someone further down that indicates this is a stunt.
As a man who has been told to cut his hair numerous times while attending a christian school and while working, I don't feet sorry about this. At all.
I think you're underestimating the audience for tropic thunder
Surprised how sane this post is. So many other people just jumping on the "RG3 sucks" bandwagon.
Whoa whoa whoa, you want journalists and bloggers to actually pick up the phone or go and talk to people? Get out... of town.
I don't have a problem with the idea of a digital currency... but money that you can't actually work for makes no sense to me.
Yup. They use to teach tourniquets as a last resort, but if done right they aren't hurtful and can be used for a long time.
How to deliver a baby?
Isn't this the same type of things people were saying about Cam last year? that he's a jerk, a diva, a loser, not THAT good. And now look at them. The Panthers will be going to the playoffs and then who knows.
Lotta people angry about this show on here today for some reason.