
tail lights look maserati granturismo-ish

wonder if Merc is gonna destroy this none approved reproduction?


XKR-S!! Best part of the pack, for me..

wow... that is so stupid, any car guy would know, that isn't possible on low pro-street tires, i'm guessing that who ever shelby had do these promo photos, was not very auto savy..

looks a bit mazda 6-ish

it looks to me like the engine is now mid-mounted, rather than being a cab-over design..

very sweet.. but not worth $150K plus $50K more for the car

yea, the whole no role bar thing is pretty dumb... i'm all for a gutted light weight drifter.. but come on..

Green beetle!1 one of the best parts

one of the best tracks.!

I used to follow him.. there was way to much fitness crap for me, but still one of the nicest guys in nascar.

this is a pretty awesome vid

Aggree'd i like the prowler

that's what i'm saying.. I see no need for a seperate platform, when everything is already there

Not ruining with porsche.. That I like.

looks like they are on the brink of ruining FORZA

How would you like to be one of the lucky new FRS owners waiting to hear what awsome suprise you have coming to you. And happens to live in/near long beach..

those mirrors seem huge..

is this an "assembly" line? or a bunch of old cars parked at jiffy lube.