
I’m the exact opposite- I find a game not scary at all if I can’t defend myself. It makes me dwell on the mechanics, detached fully from the experience, and just dying and prodding at the mechanics to see what does and doesn’t work.

You just *know* that the studio really wants a white guy. And that all this “we can’t find a guy after 2000 auditions” is just cover for when they announce that Aladdin will be played by Hugh Jackman.

I assume Jake Gyllenhaal is busy?

Isha, for the love of God, if you want more lead actor diversity in movies (which we should have), then maybe stop contributing to this arbitrary push to have black actors cast in roles that have been Caucasian since the dawn of time. Instead, the push needs to me for more original black characters to have their own

It’s been in development at a major studio for 6 years and now it’s going into Early Access... Yeah, makes sense.

Sure wish they made a third game in this franchise. Shame it ended at only 2 which was a great follow up to the first (one of my personal favorite games of all time).

Yep, real shame there wasn’t a third.,

I know you mean no harm, but I am not sure if I approve of linking a victims social media accounts. I don’t know, it feel macabre to me.

I’m loving this decade. This is the decade of “Wait, what do you mean I have to be responsible for my actions now?”

It’s pretty cool that they made the main character a Parkinson’s sufferer.

Because the immortal children are what’s breaking the realism of your dragon flying-ass demigod game. Okay.

Incredible art, but I wish more people would diverge from the Tolkien fantasy stuff. What’s the point in creating a world if that world is just LOTR again?

Now playing

I don’t know at what time or day this was written but you completely forgot to refer the current country of Portugal which is one of the best entries and is leading the odds of winning ESC 2017.

By the way, I’m slightly terrified that I have to watch the Belgian performance again as the singer seemed like she was three seconds away from a panic attack for the majority of the song on Tuesday. I’m also dreading the Spanish performance as just the brief snippet I saw was like a personal attack on everything I

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The only thing you need to know about Eurovision:

This is a pretty late reply, but if you haven’t tried it yet, what makes Persona good are all the character moments moreso than anything else. Persona is a game that makes you feel like the guys in your party aren’t just characters, but friends.

Selena’s day 2 outfit was super cute IMO:

Well that’s awesome, man! I didn’t know that about your cousin and meant no disrespect to you or him.

Horizon Revolutionary, maybe not. Nearing or even reaching the pinnacle of evolution of the open world genre as we currently know it? Highly possibly. Aside from the rather unique take on combat it doesn’t do much new, but it does everything it does do, all so damn well.

I don’t think Horizon is as revolutionary as Breath of the Wild or as perfect a hang as Persona 5, but it’s up there with both of them as one of the best games of this generation so far.