
All I can think is: What if Nintendo had made a full Pokemon RPG the killer app for the Wii U? Why the hell have they never leveraged the hell out of this franchise before? The history of the company’s last 5 years could’ve been rewritten.

Dear goodness. This may as well be the solution to make people lose weight all over the world.

It’s a repetitive game in general, but at about 15 hours in, it hasn’t become a drag at all. That said, a lot of my favorite games are pretty repetitive (most open world releases are, it seems), so my threshold for that might be higher than yours.

I actually appreciate how weak the story is. The whole plot so far is basically “Build your car!” I don’t know if I’d want much more from a Mad Max game. I’m not even that familiar with the movies, but it matches perfectly with the cultural ethos of the character.

Picked up Mad Max for $15 this week. Passed on it because of the mediocre reviews on release, but damn is this game a blast.

Fuck this fucking idiot. What did he think this was? A Twitter poll?

its like when you were little and fighting with your brothers in the car on the way to see Tarzan and your mom said she would turn the car around if you didnt stop and you didn’t believe her so you kept fighting and then she did and your life flashed before your eyes.

Lotta games about fathers lately. I imagine it’s due to everyone in the gamer generation reaching that point in their lives at roughly at the same time. I’d be willing to bet the cycle will come around again in 15 or 20 years.

Yeah I got that too! $90! Totally worth it to play Stick of Truth again on PS4.

yeah for me, it carries no weight. I dont have a 4K tv, and probably wont for a long time (by the time my currnt tv dies, i’m sure there’ll be something even better). Better framerates doesnt really bug me either. It’s a console game so the frame rate is usually pretty stable anyways.

Something in common with my wife. Heyo, burn.....wait.... :(

YES! I cannot express my excitement for this game. I am actually writing a novella/novel with an Android protagonist, who “becomes human”. (though under way different circumstances.)

This is pretty much my reason to get a PS4. Especially if there is a limited edition console. I’d sell my soul for a LE console.

That’s a great attitude. Force someone to sympathize.

The Division was, unabashedly, one of the most detailed games since Metal Gear Solid 2. Yeah, MGS 2. That doesn’t mean the game itself is the best game ever, but it’s certainly the best world/engine combination that deserves a better game to be built around it.

This was my first completely positive reaction this E3.

I think you missed the whole point of their conference... Making “Only on Scorpio” titles is the exact opposite of their strategy. They want you to be able to play your games on whatever console version you choose. I for one am glad they announced it so soon. Gives me time to save my money and I have the freedom to

This is a terrible idea and will only serve to divide the player base. Developers will have to choose between developing between one or the other due the money required to do so. Plus it is midway into a console generation and I wonder if this was a partial response to Nintendo doing 4k finally and first.

This looks cool as fuck. Such a neat shift in setting/time for a series with the word “Mafia” in the title.

Thank you so much for that time zone graph. I’m in Japan and it’s a pain to do the time conversion looking at PDT. Bummed that all of the conferences will having me stay up late or getting up early in the morning though! Gonna miss Sony’s because of work too. C’mon Sony.

MEMORIES! Dammit, TS2 was some of the best couch multiplayer I ever had. It makes me sad we’ll never see a modern take on the series.