
cold weather murder demon still sounds badass to me...

Ironically, this isn't the first time Japan has noticed Gekas' tattoo. The same thing happened in 2010, during the last World Cup. Maybe the country will notice it again during the next one, too!

I can't even bring myself to call it soccer and I live in the U.S. I just feel like it's always been called football, at least to every other country in the world. Is it the U.S. that originally called it soccer, or did that name come from somewhere else? Cause I honestly have no idea...

Most definitely, Notch is a must, also, some let's players like Northenlion.

I think lemongrenades meant, "Why do people split the image in half, rather than showing the same half side by side?"

And the douchebag of the year award goes to...

I still don't understand why split comparisons of two different aspects of a single image exist.

Oh, I know. I just needed a little nudge to buy them, I don't mind paying indie devs for their stuff.

I only have a Mac :(

Yes, like the fact their office was flooded last year and they overcame that. I would like to see that. Indie Game: The Movie 2 maybe?

Hope you like it! :)

Investors can suck it. All they see is profits and if you don't make MORE profit than last year, they jump ship, immediately consideting selling out or forcing it into bankruptcy. These Wall Street gangsters are poison to true capitalism and healthy competition and innovation. They just don't want to understand how

Oh I don't know about that, the Earth was generated through set processes. I think it turned out pretty well.

I have the game on PS4 and have not had any problem with Watchdogs, guess I have been lucky.

You don't see people reflected in the windows because everyone in Chicago is a vampire wearing a thick layer of sunscreen.

Day One.

Is it too late for me to get into this?

because if there's one thing i wish i had more of in my life, it's unfinished, work in progress games.

As a consumer I'd say no to an Early Access program. While there have been a few success stories there have been too many cases of mis-sold products, abandoning of the game by the devs and being of a much lower quality. Betas are different as they are usually free and require no money upfront (pre-orders can be

Oh man, i hope that doesn't go through. The early access system as is, is NOT a good thing.