Paquete_PT89 I never expected Guerrilla to have a full blown demo to show. And it looked amazing! The art and concept is beautiful and fresh. But those are Guerrilla strong points. I can’t wait to see what they’re able to deliver. Still, for a first showing, I’m very very impressed

Are you crazy? It’s a guerrilla game, of course it’s exclusive

F*** YES!! Great way to start! It’s back and it’s still beautiful. Let’s go Guerrilla next!!

Dayum!! I never liked Ghost Recon, but this looks fun as hell!

What part of my statement made you think that the thing that got me excited in this game was the “childish brutality”? The only childish thing I see here is your comment and attack of “our” culture.

Time and time again Ubisoft pulls something out of god knows where and delivers something that makes my jaw drop! I wanted to play a good game like this since I was a kid. Bring it on! (eagerly awaiting for the downgrade, right guys?)

Yeah, I get that, but the story and art assets must have come from Bioware no? Who did the trailer, Blur?

Sure am, and don’t call me Shirley!

Couldn’t have said it better myself! Great argument ;)

It’s so great when you can actually see the developers who put hours upon hours of work so we could play their dreams on the big stage. It reminds me of the first time I saw the guy from No man’s sky, it’s adorable :)

AMAZING! Best game I’ve seen so far at this E3, so freaking cute. And the guy presenting was great, he was so nervous, shaking hands and all, to present his baby. Good on EA for scoring such a gem!

Can we all just agree that Bioware are the best at Star Wars? Seriously, that trailer is million times better than the one for the new movie. They always deliver on this story trailers!

Now playing

Through all the excitement around E3 this year, this manages to make me a little sad :/ Metal Gear trailers were always the highlight.

Hololens fish...can you imagine that?

This is really impressive. As a prototype. It’s mind-blowing and feels like the future should be, but I’m doubtful that this will work half as well as it did here. Maybe in 5 years. Still, it’s a great technology, and even though I’m not a fan of Minecraft, it’s the perfect game to showcase this

Great...Just what I needed...I was already dreaming about the return of The Last Guardian, now I have to dream about a Scrubs reunion as well. Thanks a lot!

Great comment :P

I think I’m grey at Kotaku as well :(

Somehow my life feels more complete after I watched that Playstation 299$ presentation (how come I’ve never seen this before?!)

I think this article was more about the awkward moments. But sure, Sony 2013 is a classic!