

Same effects as rock and roll.


Dumbest idea ever.

How so? I had no problem preordering dark souls. I would have liked to have gotten the collectors edition but they were all out, as were many other places. I signed up to be notified if they received and additional copies of the collectors edition, but I ended up with the regular edition which arrived on the

At least they backtracked on the horrible decision to split the company/website. It only makes it more difficult for the customer that just wants to know how to get a hold of a certain movie.

Then don't pay for the DVDs.

Yea, I am going to run past them now. This was the first time I saw it happen and I thought "why is that guy running backwards.... is this a bug?.... wait, why did he go to where the lever is.... *gate closes*.... FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Bah... yesterday was the first day I didnt really make any progress in Dark Souls. I started tearing shit up but, of course, made a stupid mistake and died. I wasn't able to get passed where I died.

I lol'd...

I don't know if anyone else feels the same as me, but, I think it is too late. I was sooo excited for XIV and hopped on the beta to be completely disgusted. I kept an eye on everything that was going on and users talking about it but I decided to save my money and see what happens down the road.

"Is there anyone at Kotaku who even cares anymore? "

That is actually pretty freaking sweet.

Damn.... i so want that blu ray collection but my damn checking account is currently crying from all the goddamn videogames I've been buying/planning on purchasing.... as well as the new router I had to buy since i bricked the old one... and the headphones I had to buy to play the damn games I bought without pissing

Oh you....

pot meet kettle....

Can't you just... like... have two people floating around and get the "insertion" part of the act complete. Then you can have another two people each grab the two people who are "docked" and they can do the pushing and pulling.

You son of a bitch....

Well, I've played my fair share of CoD matches and I'll admit that there were plenty of instances where I wanted to choke a few people to death.