You’re going to be more into a conversation on a date with someone you are more attracted to; maybe it’s just human nature?
You’re going to be more into a conversation on a date with someone you are more attracted to; maybe it’s just human nature?
Okay, I find this lightly ridiculous. ‘Knees are Chinese?’ That’s just dumb banter, like saying, ‘Are you an American or an American’t?’ It’s not insensitive by nature, I don’t get who’d be offended personally, even if Chinese. This is overboard hyper-sensitivity IMO.
Just seeing Miller’s picture alone is enough to ruin my day. Seeing a video of him in any emotional state (IF he even has that setting), is just too much for humanity to witness.
First question the lawmakers ask her should be, “how much money are you being paid, by anyone associated by Trump admin or Giuliani, to testify?”
I’m hoping those icons all resemble something really meaningful like in The Witcher 3. They kind of forced me to expect to find crazy hidden things in the game just by doing a small side-quest marker or something.
What would be really amazing is if everytime you initiated “braindance” it’d pop a seizure warning messagemessage up on your HUD. Maybe it’d get annoying, but doing so in-game, would be interesting.
Well, they hide behind their ‘freedom.’ I liken it to electric dog fence, they keep barking and pushing the edge, I just hope we can boost the electric shock fast enough, holding them at bay, before they’re able to cross the point of no return.
Too on-point for their base to understand.
God almighty... I can’t believe gun rights alone got these morons elected.
What I don’t get is how it’s fine by just saying it was WWII era. It was IN THE US LOL.
What I don’t get is how it’s fine by just saying it was WWII era. It was IN THE US LOL.
You know what’s also sad is they probably posted their vid to their FB page and got their ‘supporters’ all riled up against the driver too. Their circle just gets more emboldened when they’re in little racist pods. This video is the best fight we have against that.
I feel like, in a generation, we’ll see far less of this, or a lot more. A lot more hidden racism scratching the surface when they feel entitled enough.
Only when it serves their interest. Only.
I don’t see what you fixed. Looks the exact same to me!
I’ve seen countless stories of people who knew him in school, saying he was no different. It’s have to be a passed-down feeling. Like Daddy fed him bullshit his whole life and now he’s playing it out.
Running wild in the community? “Hey there. Hello!? Anybody home?!”
Now I’ve heard all the excuses!
I remember when Jamie Oliver taught kids to make their own chicken nuggets (same damn thing). He showed all the crap that wasn’t even meat that went into the hotdog-like cesspool that was eventually fried. He then held one finished product up asking, ‘after seeing that processing of tendons, skin, meat, etc., would…
Also had some shifter drama recently. Shifter wouldn’t leave park! I could manually override via taking off side and sticking a pen underneath it to engage some button that slid out allowing manual shift...