
Totes. Honestly, she is a treasure. The whole family gets a bad rap - they are the LEAST distasteful reality TV family I've ever seen, burps and farts included.

There are some truly hideous dresses in this thread...and I know this one isn't the worst, but I HATED it:

yeah, no, i like that. like, really like it.

I should probably be ashamed but I really love that dress.

Vera Wang's Fall Collection 2012 presents - "Goth Vagina"

these luberly ladies, if I do say so! (I've watched enough Big Fat Gypsy Wedding to keep on for days)

Good lord, you're not joking.

I like that this one comes complete with baby-bunny merkin.

that will cost at least $12000

I will bet right now that the winner will be a design by Pnina Tornai.

I worked at a shelter. A (un)healthy percentage of people either refused to or were belligerent about answering questions for the intake. Lots of people claimed their pets were strays as if we were blind and or stupid. Occasionally, they would want to claim the pet back, and cop to the animal being theirs when mention

My dog was dumped in a public park. A woman who walking her dog saw a pick-up truck pull into the park, dump him, and when he tried to get back into the truck she saw the driver kick him, shut the door, and leave him whimpering. This was an early January day in Maryland. She couldn't leave him, because she's a good

No, she just birthed them. Her daughters do the raising.

Quiverfull people are prone to believe that when it comes to adoption there is a very large chance that the "child will enherit the sins of the father" . Since you have no way of knowing what those sins were or what was "Laid upon the birth parents hearts" you take a big chance in adopting. Raising an adopted child

Be careful- a lot of Quiverful people started moving toward adoption a few years ago when it became clear to many of the women that having a dozen babies wasn't all it's cracked up to be. Even leaders of the movement were adopting from poor countries, and the results were sometimes disastrous for the adoptees, some

Because cults work better the more homogeneous they are.

I have a friend who is actually a part of her family. Kathy's husband is this friend's cousin. According to her, Kathy got the ax because she was too boring and safe. Instead of getting rid of her entirely, they are keeping her and Rosie on as "friends of the Housewives" and they are splitting their paycheck. They

Amen! I was getting so tired of the Manzos, especially Caroline's kids and all their start-up businesses.