

Completely random. A woman came into my life skills class to tell us that everyone on Friends was a huge slut and they would probably all have AIDS.

I still can't watch her scenes in Riding in Cars with Boys without getting upset.

I thought she was a hysterical actress. She was so great in so many movies.

It fills me with so much joy to see how many people turned out to support that little boy.

I can't read about people disrupting adoptions anymore. It's starting to make me physically ill. I refuse to give head pats to white christian bloggers who disrupt the adoption of their black children.



I just really really want to eat some Pizza.

1. Helena Bonham Carter did what?!! But she's so cool. Just no

I feel so badly for Charlie Sheen's youngest two sons. Unlike their older sisters, they don't seem to have a stable parent that can look after them at all.

She's not a big chewer. I don't even want to know what happened to her in her previous dog life. But she came to us with a bunch of her teeth missing.

She's lucky she's fifteen pounds. Her interactions with dogs at the moment either involve her completely ignoring them or her throwing herself at them like some kind of deranged teddy bear screaming "LOVE ME"

I'm thinking were going to have to do an actual class. We take her to dog parks and she does see other dogs playing, but doesn't seem to get what they're doing.

She's actually pretty great with me and Mr. Pandora Boxx. She's getting better with other dogs. first world problem, but I think my dog might be play delayed. We adopted her about two months ago, she was a puppy mill rescue, and she doesn't seem to know how to act like a dog. She has toys but has NO clue what to do with them. I've tried some stuff my vet has suggested, but it isn't working.

That young lady who is refiling her complaint is a very brave soul.

Have schools completely given up on teaching the difference between "you're" and "your"?

Don't need to correct. She had an early miscarriage.

I think my uterus might be prolapsing again.