Some asholes took up the GG flag...
Some asholes took up the GG flag...
Nothing shocknig though. These people use the same bulshit non-starter argument the “persecuted Christian” movement has been using. And of course the pull from the exact same demographic.
While panelists can choose to not answer a question, the problem here is (as the GGers even admitted) their goal wasn’t to have a back and forth with the panel, but rather to disrupt it with a line of derailing questions. So choosing to not answer questions would’ve been used as fuel against the panel just as much as…
Why wouldn’t there be? There are always members of oppressed minorities who side with their oppressors. Black and gay republicans, for example.
It’s funny how GG is trying to spin it as “different political opinions are banned!” or “Leftists kick girl gamers out! Misogyny!”
There are female MRAs? I don’t get it.
I don’t get this. What did the developer do that was so bad? TB is known for being critical, too much IMHO. It crosses the line into bitching way too easily.
Lotta ethics coming from TB right now.
“I can no longer be objective about this issue because you don’t like me.” That makes no sense at all. Either be a professional or GTFO.
You ain't gonna hold the video landscape, then I'm smacking your kid.
If that’s how you choose to view it.
Now that it’s out of Lucas’s hands I’m sure that will eventually happen... assuming he didn’t somehow destroy the originals before selling to Disney to prevent them from doing so.
Will these include the original, pre-lucas meddling versions? That’s pretty much the only version of the original trilogy I’m interested in at this point.
Your bar for witty must be very low.
The internet would be a much better place if EVERYONE left twitter. So much absolutely pointless drama and vitriolic sentiment on a platform that is not even a good discussion platform in the first place, even non-terrible twitter uses can easily be misinterpreted as terrible by nature of the character constraints.
Remember when we were all just happy nerds quietly playing our Nintendo at Grandmas house Friday night. What happened.where did this anger and rage and violence all come from.
I feel so bad for this guy. He's completely right to hop off Twitter. He's another victim of this "grow a thicker skin" horseshit that I've seen perpetuate the internet since before tweens discovered 4chan.
I'm so glad everyone is alright. I'm shocked this happened at such a relatively low-key event. Not that it's okay for it to happen at, say, an Anita Sarkeesian talk, or PAX or to a popular streamer, of course. But, sadly, I'm not too surprised to hear when/if it does. This, go through such lengths to try…
All that NSA surveillance and we can't catch these douchers.