I agree with you. I knew someone who actually described themselves as "bi and polyamorous" in her own wedding toast. You're a snowflake, we get it. Barf.
I agree with you. I knew someone who actually described themselves as "bi and polyamorous" in her own wedding toast. You're a snowflake, we get it. Barf.
Technically, breast fixation is a fetish, because it's taking something inherently not for sexual use and making it sexy. But our entire society does that, so any individual saying they have a boob fetish in earnest is probably a tool. ITA about people using it as a shield, though, I'm a Domme and I've had several…
There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors", as they call us — who are asking for change in the game industry: a better, broader representation of characters, among other things. We're "the cancer that's killing games", and Kotaku is seen as the key enemy site, with Polygon a close…
There was no 'GamerGate', there was no movement, there was not a huge outcry.
And if it was actually about ethics in video game journalism, it would have started a long time before Zoe Quinn made an indie game for a novel concept.
Unhitch your cause, whatever it is, from #GamerGate. Its moved well beyond the point of redemption. Find another name, find another fight, find another way of expressing what you want ("ethics in journalism" or whatever— good luck with that) #GamerGate is done.
Track: Paradise Circus | Artist: Massive Attack | Album: Heligoland
I'm not surprised, it's a completely poor and unprofessional display of behaviour. Even though he's an indie developer, he should have the common courtesy to speak internally to get the problem resolved, not lash out at Valve for what may have been a simple mistake that could have been quickly rectified.
He's such a child.. but to be honest, who would take that to be a "threat". To me, that isn't a threat. It's an empty threat.
so...they made every black WoW character Michael Jackson?
This isn't just a hate group, these people are terrorists, and maybe if in the the future the US government treated them like the terrorists they are, we wouldn't see this as much and maybe we'd have a productive conversation.
Thanks. I actually laughed out loud when I found it!
I believe the one-hour deadline is related to security, not on-time performance.
I bet NONE of his followers are actually Frequent Flyers, so his rants are irrelevant.
That lead photo is so perfect
This comment will be "pending approval" for all eternity.
Saying "I am Darren Wilson" is essentially saying "I am a piece of shit cop who shot and murdered an unarmed black kid." Why are people saying this with pride? I don't understand.