
I wonder if the franchise would go for it. This needs to happen. But I feel they are too puritanical to go for this. Hello Kitty has vibrators, but god forbidd that an American brand of violent comic inspired movies sells sexy merchandise.

What's scary is that they don't have any ethics or best interest in the patients. Yet, they act like regular doctors and their actions could.. wait, I'm sure it already has happened, just like Ireland, kill both the baby and the mom. If they are allowed to give less than acceptable care in one area, what else are they

Reality based cable channel, that for some reason it also uses the word music in its name, gets priority over Colbert? Must be a shitty parent company if that is allowed to happen. Between Colbert and Stewart they have the equivalent of 50 VMAs each year. And people watch them. VMAs? I don't remember the last time I

Thank you, that would've sucked enormously. A PG-13 version of Heathers? What's wrong with you? Did you had brain tumor for breakfast?

Screw originality and a daring storyline. Let's stick with the same old safe shit. That and maybe I wont bother to watch, because same dude, same concept, different face, is getting T-I-R-E-D as hell.

And he only plays the manager? Holly crap. As much as I like O'dowd, and I love the IT crowd, he is not that famous in the U.S. yet. He is going to places but come on. Is like those VHS covers in the 90's that had the sexy chick in the cover of the movie and her role lasted for like 2 minutes of the whole movie. I

Really? They care about bias? Have they seen Faux Newz lately? That is not a news channel, it's an operation.

The Asian Girlz video looks like a promo for the ex-gay movement. Is like somebody had to imagine, really hard, how straight dudes act. And put all that glorious inspiration into song. I'm still wondering if this might be some performance art installation, or maybe Ashton will come out "You are being punked! Haha! How

Not even the font for the measurement notes could be spared. Just an example, how fantasy inspired the wedding was. I'm surprised they didn't went for the always cool and classic comic font. That font always assures people you have style, and you really made it in the real world.

I feel happy for the girl, but the almost forced comparison to Ender is... ugh.

Just by putting Cinton and Bush in the same group, that kind of widened immensely the intelligence trait of night owls. Also blew whatever moral boost I've got reading this. I'm back to normal stupid.

I saw the video rant and I was expecting some Rush Limbaugh level of assholeness, they guy even call them gents, LOL!!!

I don't know why enjoy Selena G. I really like her and the song. She seems more down to earth, less pretension.

For a guy who still claims the president was born in Kenya, he should be the last person to pay attention by any respectable tech company.

And Trayvon is next to the bomber because...

I don't get celebrity obsession. Such a waste of time, and a great way to look stalkerish. Is like next to paparazzi's. Although when I was on a date in San Francisco with a guy, he took me on a tour where all the big shots in San Francisco lived. Mostly, renowned names in the IT industry, which was interesting, some

Looks like the skid marks my dog leaves in the carpet when she is sick. Worst. Presentation. Eva.

Roling Stone has great articles, some of them have been really influential. However, cover wise most of us grew acostumed to RS tackling serious issues while having Britney Spears for the millionth time. Being in the cover is at the same time a coveted honor among artists, a sign of "you finally made it". Having this

I can't stop laughing at this video. I was angry at first, but the video is just so incredibly bad, is like watching republicans trying to recruit the African American vote. Total fail.