
I have the light suspicion the author might not like Sofia Vergara. Because talk about stretching facts to the max trying to reach conclusions. I think whoever wrote this took a break from painting Hitler moustache on Obama photos. She ate a $1,000 sundae and SV is horrible because people are starving? Holly

Another lovely fact is that none of the main characters is Hispanic. Considering this is LA, yeah, fuck this game. Also, I haven't finished plaing GTA4. It also looks more of the same. If I wanted that I'd renew my Warcraft account.

Is just absolutely laughable when he travels to the Silicon Valley, trying to sell Texas as some sort of futuristic place to live. They couldn't have found a worst spokesperson. Is like he doesn't have a clue about what's going on in the world and the country today.

He also thinks California businesses would love to move to Texas because taxes and regulations. All while oppressing women and forcing them to have unnecessary invasive procedures. Fuck this troll presidential aspirations and his Kristian sharia impositions.

Great, now give Jenny "vaccines are from the devil" Mcarthy a pulpit to spew her crazy shit. Every day, to millions of people. When the class action suit comes knocking on abc's door, I hope they have good lawyers. Seriously, she should be safely contained and limited to am radio.

"...because just for the cocktail + reception alone the plate per person is 200$ (as per a normal wedding range with open bar is about)..."

Probably wont watch it because is Prime exclusive. Reading the comments, I guess I'll stick to the novel thank you very much.

Must be because I'm gay, but when it comes to fake geeks, males always win at the number contest. I haven't met any females that I would consider fake geeks, probably because I'm more likely to know them and talk to them (to their face with no ulterior motive. LOL!). But when it comes to male fake geeks, fuck yeah

Thanks for the link to the article at RawStory. They seem a nice news website. I was looking for a replacement for The Daly Beast since they are going all pro "life" today.

Gov. Perry and Lt. Gov. Dewhurst are willing to … put women in harm’s way in order to step up on the political ladder.

I can't believe someone is that geo-politically slow. Reminds me of Elton John singing at Rush Limbaugh wedding, because he was reaching out! And yes, Rush really likes the gays, if you ignore the homophobic rants he had on his radio show after the wedding. With the most recent being the one about the SCOTUS prop 8

The question is, can he enjoy all that money? He's one of the best known faces of trolling nationwide. Is completely different if he was a movie actor, or a muscician. With all the mentally draining baggage that comes to pander to the tin foil hat audience, lying, pretending you are dumb enough not to know the truth.

NOW is trying hard to be the new PETA.

I guess the "celebration cones" are more for getting paid whether he looses or wins.

Is pretty simple, just ask him if he ever gave or received oral sex. I can't imagine a worst way to invite the public into your private life than telling people how to have sex.

M$ never fails to amaze me. I hope the the super inconvenient "exclusive" release is not for perpetuity. Thats why I didnt bought it for my 360.

Who cares, given his history of infamous twitter wrath, even with his own daughter. At this point, the tabloids are just putting out crap to see what makes him tick. He sure always delivers. I want John Bohener to pay of his own pocket the millions that were wasted in tax money to defend DOMA.

Nothing for those who already are hosting with Dreamhost :(

Nothing for those who already are hosting with Dreamhost :(

He looks totally adobs running without moving his arms. I bet if you threw a rubik cube at him he is totally harmless .

She is in fact, not the only racist on tv right now. For example, Donald Trump. He only happens to have a better PR team, and it helps tons that he is a guy, so questioning if the prez was born in Kenya is totally ok with NBC and macy's. In that sense, I see how Paula might (MIGHT!) have been a victim of sexism.