
I love it when these organizations don't have the balls to call themselves what they really are to hide their true goals. The whole "for marriage" would suggest maybe they are for a living wage since most marriages fail due to economic reasons, or maybe taking a stand against domestic violence, as any intelligent

What a jackass. After all those kids died. Let's celebrate random survivability in a tragic natural event!!!

LOL!!! My parents hated, HATED, going to school meetings or anything to do with me, or my siblings. And we were not rich. They were super duper douchebags who got into a marital agreement just so people didn't point their fingers at them as the left outs of conjugal "bliss". And yes, the nanny in question was me,

Sure, movies are pretty, and did you know some of them even come in 3d these days? And you can watch them in this dark big auditoriums called theaters, but because they are specifically for movies, they are called... wait for it, you guessed? Movie theaters!!! Now, this is obviously not game footage. You think people

The big question about accounts. A household with a bunch of kids, each one with their account. So will you have to pay a fee for each brat that wants to play one game? This is the type of information that should be clarified at the moment, not waiting for E3 because that is a total turn off for most parents. You buy

Fuck this shit. You mean I have to pay a fee if my spouse wants to play for each and every single game I buy??? They can shove their kinect 2.0.

I loved it when they announced "This is forza motor sports on Xbox one..." and instead of showing actual gameplay, they showed the trailer for the game, as if it was actual gameplay. Fuckin A!!!

I didn't know you could write entire articles based entirely on blanket statements. This "East coast dresses better than west coast" of a wisdom gem could've been read at the comments section of TMZ.

Again? Really I can't believe that they have to create every fucking female character to look like one single doll. Complete lack of creativity and originality.

Love it.

I have no words to describe how much I hate this corporation. I don't have a problem paying, but since these are annual plans I think this is bullshit.

Looks awesome. Can't wait.

How the hell he was not in jail after all this shit??? Kidnappings multiple times, beatings, threats. Holly shitsnacks!!! This is a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Not only the cops failed after multiple calls, it goes beyond. There should be an investigation and lots of people need to loose their job in many

I used to have horrible allergies before I became a dog owner. My partner used to have high blood pressure and we were sedentary as hell. Now we can't stand the look of our dogs if we don't take them for a walk, we walk a minimum of 10 miles each week. We explore natural trails around town, we became friends with

When I came out of the closet in my early 20's I was so freaked out about change that I kept questioning every act I made, if it was too fem or not. I made a promise to my self that I wasn't going to change and keep my self as it ever was, only gay. LOL!!! A few months later I realized it was a lame ass way to live. I

While what he said was wrong, you have to realize he is talking about the GOP. They are trying to redefine rape, they want to charge victims for rape kits, and they want to deny abortion to rape victims. So while the GOP politicians are not raping necessarily speaking, they are in a legal tag team with rapists. They

Glad she was arrested. Octomom on the cheap by using her own daughter as her very own in-house baby oven? Fucking brilliant. I can't wait for cloning and reproductive technology to become more accessible and cheap so dipshits like her will never have to be screened. So scary.

I tried for two weeks. The way I did it was no limit in the amount of juice and eat(drink) whenever I was hungry. Fasting is healthy too. I usually do it 3 or 4 times a year for one day each time to give a break to my body. I'm not vegetarian and I eat mostly at home and sometimes fast food is ok in my book. I just

I didn't went to mine because I just thought it was a big bs spectacle for mommies and daddies. Right when you are supposed to start to question everything around you and taste the waters of life, and we have to play dress up? Fuck that. Youth is supposed to be rebellious. Another class from another school chose to

That was cool but don't hate me, I think she would do a superb Biever too.