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I finished the game and don’t even know what the story was about.

Xbox One games = yes
Xbox 360 Games = No

What’s the end goal of this game?

*Grabs popcorn*

This is great!

This sounds so ridiculous that all I could do was laugh.

Lufia 2 is one of my favorite RPGs. I do remember the game puzzles being brutal, though. I think this is the only game I’ve had to use a guide to beat.

I watched the first two arcs/seasons and loved them... stopped watching during the third arc, the one with spirits or something because it was kinda boring. Does it (3rd arc) get better after the third episode?

I come from the future to tell you that they still haven’t done this.

It’s all about the fantasy lol.

As a black man, when given the option, I always play as a white woman so start with any of the female characters if you ask me.

They should add a “Historically Accurate” difficulty mode with permadeath.

Nightmare fuel.

They probably had to add a Pachinko minigame in Ultimate.

Ridley was all I wanted from this tbh. I don’t even have a Switch, hope they add a bundle or something when this Smash releases.


Don’t forget Previously bad guy (or girl) is not so bad after all.