I decided to add the rest of the team. [i.imgur.com]
I decided to add the rest of the team. [i.imgur.com]
They need to bring back the Wavebird and make it rechargeable.
You might be more familiar with this reference more than my first entry. [i.imgur.com]
I based my size assessment on the idea that the sticks reminded me of the Wavebird controller.
I know exactly what you mean. I have a friend that considers himself a "movie buff" because he's probably seen every movie made that's within his life span but anything prior to the 1980s he's clueless.
I've tried some so called fruit beers like Wild Blue - Blueberry Lager and they are a bit sweet for my taste and I'd probably categorize them as a malt liquor. I do like some beers with mild fruit flavors like Ommegang - Three Philosophers which has a hint of cherries.
YAY EARTH! [i.imgur.com]
Maybe they'll come out at Sony's press conference and announce it's coming out next week...fingers crossed.
2001 A Space Odyssey...who doesn't get that? It's a classic along with many of Kubrick's other work like a little movie called A Clockwork Orange and Dr. Strangelove.
Is The Last Guardian still being made? I hope there's a playable demo at E3.
It's ok to be snobby about something you enjoy. The last few years I've started becoming a beer snob and I have to say it comes in handy when you're able to pair a good beer with your meal.
That Katamari one is awesome.
Yup. Just a plain old trailer would've been nice but there's still a few days before E3 so maybe we might get a new video shot through a peep hole using one of those arthroscopic cameras they use for prostate exams.
It's all pre-E3 marketing hype for them...at least this one wasn't shot in a barn like the first one they did.
Wow the video quality reminds me of those old silent films where a guy plays the piano along with the movie.
Haha that's like asking why this game isn't on PS3.
I hope you aren't infected.
Yea there's been a recent increase in naked crimes in that area so they originally thought it was some new designer drug that made you feel hot but still it doesn't explain why he ate a guy's face off. Only explanation is UMBRELLA.