
I only started doing TAYpics because of how fun it was doing shop contest every week and now both have become a ritual of mine.

Thanks I appreciate the support. I had a star with my old profile but I stopped using it since the new sign in with another site thing was implemented. All users will lose their stars eventually when they start the new Gawker media commenting system who needs it right?

Another good week of great shops by everyone. That Snacktaku pic by blueTunic should be the official review picture from now on.

Don't feel too bad because I do the same thing. I still haven't finished Deus Ex or Arkham City just to name a few.

What are you waiting for...the HD remake? Dust off that Wii or PS2 and get to work!

Great shops this week! My fav is definitely Total Recall.

Guess there aren't many Fringe fans?

I just have to say that the N64 controller could really take a beating because we played the hell out of Killer Instinct Gold and it survived a slew of button mashing friends and family memebers. Even the Z stick got the shit kicked out of it from hours of power sliding in Mario Kart.

I don't think it's spoiled because a character like Joffery you expect to die and besides no character is ever safe in the world of GRRM...not even spoiled inbred douche bag kings like Joffrey.

I just want a game where you just kill Joffrey over and over.

This is for all the Fringe fans out there...woohoo we get one more season! []

Hey you could always try Ebay because I used to collect old games and made a killing when I finally sold them. That actually got me a bronze powerseller status for a short time and a the down payment on my house. If you're interested I'd suggest starting at your local flea market (or dirt mall as I like to call

Actually a friend of mine referred me for that telemarketing job but they were always hiring from what I can remember because all their employees were high school and college students and most of them really didn't stay for too long. Have you tried looking for seasonal work because there's usually plenty of positions

I worked at KFC when I was in high school and it allowed me to save up enough money to have my first car by the time I was a senior. If you're young it's great but I wouldn't suggest working there in your twenties or older because the pay is always going to be at that minimum wage area and it does get embarrassing

I just picked up the Droid Razor and so far I'm loving it. The screen is a huge upgrade in size and resolution and I love that it can shoot videos in 1080p. So far the only thing I'm not really feeling is the stock keyboard but I'm sure there's a better one on the Android market or Google Play or whatever it's