Ohhhh, that's a great analogy. I will remember that - leave the trash where it belongs!!!
Ohhhh, that's a great analogy. I will remember that - leave the trash where it belongs!!!
If you get the other job, take it, give notice and don't look back. #1 rule of employment is you always take care of yourself first. Employers will never, ever put their employees first, so it's up to you to do it. They'll be fine.
If you are get the other job, give your two weeks notice and don't look back.
How dare you infringe on Her freedom of speech like that. Lol.
Also, like no one is putting words in your mouth. You're putting words in your own mouth by saying them to an audience.
Tighten your seatbelt, this post is going to be a bumpy ride. In the past few weeks we've discussed ways in which…
Several months ago I skipped my beloved grandmother's funeral in large part to avoid an encounter with my mother. You do not have to go. You do what you need to do to take care of yourself. Can you spend time with your nephew morning or night of, apart from the festivities? You can absolutely communicate to him how…
PSA: Sometimes people really do hate you for no good reason and through no actions of your own. But if those people…
One suggestion, never start an argument by listing out exactly how your ignorance prevents you from making said argument.
Fundamentalist Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists all get up to the same things as well. Same shit, different outhouse.
I've been saying this for years! I refer to them as Talibangelists.
Right? Christian evangelicals have more in common with radical Muslims than they'd like to admit.
Good call. Burkas are the way to go, since men simply can't be controlled.
Christian blogger and Oregon mom, Veronica Partridge, took her struggle over whether or not to wear leggings to the…
I keep seeing comments that are meant to shame her since she's a mother. I suffer from chronic depression, and it runs in my family. I'm actually the only woman alive in my family that suffers from it. I have been shamed multiple times by long term partners for having this very issue due to medications. I can't even…
The name OrgasmQuest sounds more like an adult board game or a point-and-click adventure from the '90s, but for…
So CPS gets involved over this?!?! WTF?!?! I'm a teacher and called CPS numerous times over abuse and neglect cases and NOTHING ever comes of it. There's even a student who we are pretty sure is pimped out by her parents, and was molested by an uncle, but CPS just can't seem to find anything wrong.
Another day, another set of parents investigated for letting their kids walk home from a nearby park. And this time,…
It's Friday afternoon and I should be riding high right now. After a week of crafting high-quality content for the…